I just read your posts about Eugene Dr.'s & hosp. to become a "center of excell" Medicare approved facility! I am in process of going throu OHSU for DS surgery and wonder if I can switch everything over to Eugene Dr.'s when & if they get approval....
guess I'll inquire of them as it'd be easier for my family & I to do it here.
Only worry is how many DS's they've done etc. and if they're as familiar and skilled at it as OHSU surgeon? Anyone hear anything on the number they've done at their talk last night?
The docs here don't do the DS; they do RNY, Lap Band, and I believe the Fobi pouch. If you want a DS, you will still have to go up to Portland. However, they may be able to do the workup here and then refer you to the surgeon up at Portland and then follow you postop here. I would check with them.
Good luck to you.
Yes, Kim is correct. No DS in Eugene. Also, the Center of Excellence certification I'm talking about is for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I'm not sure if it includes Medicare, but you could ask. I'm willing to wait to hear about the certification because 1.) I'd like my insurance to pay for the operation, and 2.) I don't want to have to go to a doctor 2 hours from my home.
Best of luck to you in finding a doc of your choice!
Just thought you all should know that Blue Cross/Blue Shield certification is called a "Center of Expertice", not to be confused with a "Center of Excellence". The American Society of Bariatric Surgery certifies a bariatric program as a "Center of Excellence". You must be a "Center of Excellence" for medicare to pay for the surgery. Also many other insurance carries have followed medicares lead. Currently in Oregon there are only two "Centers of Excellence", both located in Portland. There are a few programs in the state that have received there preliminary status and should have there final designation as "Centers of Excellence" soon. To become a "Center of Excellence", a surgeon must perform 125 cases per year and have excellent proven results with minimal complications. This process makes it difficult for new programs and smaller programs. You can log on to the ASBS web site and rewiew the criteria for the CE process. There are a few surgeons in the state performing the DS but the Roux en Y is still the gold standard. The lap band is gaining in popularity since its approval by the FDA 5 years ago. It was invented by a bariatric surgeon from Belgium in 1995. I had Roux en Y seven years ago and have maintained my weight loss. My surgery has really changed my life. I have worked in the bariatric field for 6 years and feel it is a wonderful blessing to help others receive the benefits of bariatric surgery. Eight of my family members have either had gastric bypass or the lap band. As a member of the ASBS I have observed numerous changes over the years. If your considering surgery do your home work. This is a great site to gain knowledge and share your experience.
Happy Holidays to you all,
Actually Robin, according to the website for my insurance through BCBS of Oregon, they require a "Center of EXCELLENCE." On their website, there are three posted. Two in Portland, one in Bend. Eugene is applying to be that sort of Center of Excellence. I guess different organizations use different terminology, but I am sure of what I've been waiting all this time for!

Northwest Bariatric Surgery Center is also to be a "Center of Excellence or Expertice". We are waiting for our response from our recent application to Blue Cross. I heard that Blue Cross is changing there title because the ASBS does not approve of the usage of the title" Center of Excellence" and do not want it confused with their designation. It sounds as if we will both hear at the same time. I hope it is soon.
I am covered by Medicare and saw Dr. Gorrin in Eugene when he first opened his practice. He told me that with my Medicare coverage I would need to go to a Center of Excellence and referred me to Portland. He indicated that it would be a longer wait for Center of Excellence as there were a lot of criteria the physician's and office had to meet. The Center of Excellence that Medicare requires is different than what some insurance companies require, although a lot of insurance companies are putting Center of Excellence in their criteria. According to the staff at Dr. Gorrin's office they could not give me any idea of when the overall Center of Excellence will occur. It requires a lot of paperwork for the office and hospital, as well as an on site visit by the powers that decide who gets the title. Kathy