Anyone heard from Tee?
Well, the adventures of WLS continue.
I went to Los Angeles for scar revision surgery and came home with a gorgeous tummy tuck by a wonderfully skilled and kind plastic surgeon from BH and Santa Minica who does the creme de la creme bodies in Movieland. Dr. Oringer (he has a website) He has developed procedures used in plastic surgery and is affiliated with Cedars and UCLA School of Medicine. I am blessed by the goddesses of all things! I also had a great plastics fellow (female) named Tracey Cordray. If you live in LA (or are willing to travel) these folks know what they are doing and do it extremely well.
So am I some rich babe who flies around and can afford this type of thing? No! (not just no but, HELL,NO!)
This was accident, coincidence or miracle, take your pick.
I have coverage through the VA and went to LA for this surgery which was to be done by the VA plastic surgeon (who is no slouch, either!) I didn't have a good experience with the locals I had consulted and figured I'd try the mecca city and hope for the best. I got it.
Timing and luck was on my side when the scheduling turned out not to work and because I had just driven 1000 miles to get it, they called in a plastics person who volunteers in really tough cases (which, by the way, mine was. Even he was surprised at the result)
So between all the beaucratic bungling and weirdnesss( a turkey lady came in on Thanksgiving to sing and tap dance kiddie songs to the poor vets)
I got the grand prize.
I am doing great! I have a midriff, one long scar, no pain, no complications (well okay, some anemia but it was minor) and I look fabulous, in an appreciative sort of way.
We travelled by motor home and that saga can wait for another day but it did work out well for my husband and we found that many of the military bases offer incredible places for RV's for real cheap.
We woke up at Pt. Magu NAS and watched whales, dolphins and seals frolick as we drank our morning coffee. I could grow to like this!
I had NO interent access and could only keep up to some degree, very rarely, with ya'll but I wanted to post but I couldn't remember my password. So there you are.
We will try to make breakfast in the morning.