Need help...
Anyone in the Portland Metro area, Hillsboro to be exact? I need to know if there is a dr locally that will recommend the surgery to my insurance. My PCP now says that I need to get permission from my insurance first then she will recommend it. I have never heard of that, I thought it was the other way around. PCP writes a letter of recommendation to my insurance, then it goes from there. I am desperate. We have Cigna insurance, open access plan/plus. Someone please help me. please email me at [email protected]
You are right - it's your PCP's role to help in the approval process by recommending you as a good candidate for surgery. My PCP wrote the letter, and when the insurance balked about it not saying this and that, she re-wrote it with the exact wording they wanted to hear. Her practice moved so I don't have a specific recommendation, but there are plenty of doctors that will be helpful to helping you get the tests and letter the insurance requires.