Great breakfast group this morning!
Hi everyone. It was great to see everyone at the breakfast this morning. I hope that others will join us in the future. It makes such a difference, visiting with others in person. I have made some good friends and hope to expand my list!
Come on, folks! Pick a time and place and let's get together more often!
Well, I will need to wait a while, I guess. I am having ankle surgery this Wednesday, so I will be laid up for a while.
Hope to see the gang again, soon!!

I agree, Joy! What a wonderful group of people all of you are! You are very inspiring to me as I prepare for my surgery in just a little over two weeks. It was so nice to see you all and hear your stories.
Joy, please be sure to let me know the next time the support group meets at Kaiser. I will be interested in going.
It was great meeting you! I hope your surgery goes well and you have a quick and pain free recovery. Hey, pull one of those one-armed bandits for me! LOL
The next support group meeting is on November 18th at the Mount Scott Medical Center, 9800 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas. It's on the Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Campus. Post ops meet at 8:45 a.m. and are joined by the pre ops at 10 a.m. The meeting ends at noon. I hope you can make it. It's a wonderful group of people and the leaders are excellent!
Well, I need to get my house in order before my ankle surgery. Have a safe trip and best wishes to you!
One of these days, I will actually get to meet you in person. Good luck with your testing. Let us know how everything goes.
So...when do you want to have breakfast? I will be unavailable for a while, as I recover from Wednesday's surgery, but I'm sure the others will be ready for another get together soon.