Come one, come all! (and bring your spouses)
Back home we always had a BIG halloween bash...The first year after my surgery I went as a "Madame"...way fun!!! Then the 2nd year I went as a redneck prom queen (I was 7 mos pregnant). Last year I was 7 mos pregnant AGAIN...and went for comfort so I was a cat (yawn). My "after plastic surgery" costume was going to be a MUMMY!!! vert clingy and fun!!! BUT this year moving from Kansas I would have to go with the obvious and do the DOROTHY thing!!!

I;ve got to head up to Centralia for the day, but will stop for a quick bite with you all. IF I were to wear a costume it would be as an 80 year old bag lady. I've pulled it off before so that no one even knows who I am. If I did that however the Village Inn wouldn't let me through the doors LOL.
Oh, I know, I know....a Jelly Fish because that's what I look like Nekked!