How long is it supposed to take?
I mailed my application two weeks ago and was thinking I should have hear back by now. They would have received it a couple days later.
Of course I tried calling tonight, a Friday, at 430 and they were already closed.
Shouldn't I have heard from them yet? I'm sure every place is different, I'm going thru the Obesity Institute in Portland, OR.
Since making up my mind to do this, maybe I'm too impatient? I just want it done already
Dont worry it took almost 4 weeks for me to hear,, and that was just last month, I called and checked all the time but it didnt seem to make things go any faster. seems they are a little backed up.. they are very sweet about calling though so I would just check in,, Make sure they got it and then take a deep breath and wait,, I know the feeling
I found out my insurance didnt cover it and had to start over again and the 2nd time they didnt make me wait so long ,, I have my first appointment on friday,,
let me know how it goes for you
Well - unfortunately - they've been as messed up in their office as can be for the past 5 years - I wouldn't hold your breath! I would, however, bug them.
I used to work for a company that handled some of their clerical stuff - and let me tell you - we DREADED working with them! What a nightmare! Going through them as a patient was no joy ride, either!