I got the call
Today Jennifer called me from the clinic ,,, I have an appointment a week from tomarrow for my 1st appointment and then the next tuesday the 31st Halloween for an all day thing with nutritinist, dietition, psycologist etc etc,, wow its moving along. I am excited and scared all at the same time, Seems lately I am always saying "I am doing _______ when I get the surgery and loose weight". now that voice in my head keeps saying what if its like everything else and dosent work??? I know that is proubly normal so for now I am ignoring that voice. I have been saying my goal is by christmas and looks like I may be able to make that goal. found out my insurance only covers the bypass which is just fine with me because that is what I wanted anyway.
ok now I have to take a deep breath, I have to admit that I went out to lunch with an old friend today and I did think I will miss this going out to eat I know I will adapt but to be honest I do love to eat,,, I am ready to give it up but will miss it to.
my daughter is scared I will die.
I understand that her life would be so messed up if something went wrong,, I told her all the stuff we say like " I am in more danger staying like this then getting the surgery" I dont think it helped much but she did say " you are going to be so much more happy mom"
I dont know how the Office will get along with out me for 2 weeks. I wonder If I will be able to be in the office a little during recovrey? or maybe I could work from home some?
lots to think about. I am so grateful for you ladys who have been so supportive and have encouraged me
Thank you

That news is so dang great!!! The holidays are just around the corner. Being busy with those will make it come even faster. Your worries about what you are going to miss are so understandable. I was sure I was giving up things I had enjoyed very much. If I had only known that I haven't given up anything. I am going out to lunch with a friend tomorrow and look forward to it the same as always. We both love to eat good food, and find cute little places that make interesting things to try. It might be different in that I don't eat the whole entree, and probably have a few things I wouldn't order, but the experience is plenty groovy and I don't feel deprived at all. Plus I'm wearing a size eight sitting in that chair. The good times will continue, but will be even sweeter.
Your daughter will rise to the occassion and be a support to you. For something this important that is going to give you so much more health and happy times with her, it is worth these tough days waiting for surgery day. The same risks are there for anyone going in to get their gallbladder out, or having their knee replaced. We seem to feel more scared and guilty because of the nature of our surgery, but it really is the same. You do what needs to be done to fix things and grab a chance to move on with better health.
Your office will cope. One should never let themselves be indispensable at work. Don't make it easy to call all the time or offer to come in. It is good for them to work it out. They'll be proud of themselves. They can do it! Plus, it is a much better rest and recovery when you focus only on you and what you need. Take lots of naps! People can surprise you and come through for you. Give them that chance.
Keep us posted.
How exciting, Kelly!!! You are on your way. Your daughter loves you and has some very normal concerns. I don't think many of us haven't had the same thought concerning our surgeries. BUT...you are correct about the alternative. The weight takes us down a very dangerous road.
I also love to eat, and you won't be "banned" from restaurants forever. I had my surgery a little over a year ago and I do enjoy eating out now. I just take a lot of leftovers home with me and I am conscious of my menu choices.
Keep us updated and enjoy the ride!
How cool for you! I'm glad it's starting to move along for you.
I understand kids worry. Just this morning my 10 year old son put his arms around me to hug me and he said, "See mom? You are NOT fat! I can get my arms all the way around you!"
Just take all the precautions you can and you will do fine.
WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! I know that the scary parts are there but you sound like you know how worth it it is going to be,(OMG as I typed this I just realized my surgery is only 2 weeks from today) But back to you and your great news!! I really enjoy the "lunch out with the friends" thing too, and really took time to think about what it was I enjoyed, its not about the food but the friendship, talking and laughing the whole package. Yes I enjoy the good food too but know I will be able to do it again just not so much. One gentlemen in our pre support group pointed out that he orders appitizers and just enjoys the company. And think about the fun you and your friends will have shopping for all your new clothes!! I am so happy for you.
I grew up in Gresham, so we girls know we can do this.
Blessings of comfort to your daughter, she is just worried about her mama but will soon be caught up in the fun of it.
Keep us posted...... Gail
you all are so awsome, I sat here reading with tears streaming down my face,, Its amazing how connected I feel with all of you. I am excited you all make wonderful points that give me comfert and peace. I took my daughter to lunch today and we talked, yes she is scared but you are right I went thru the galbladder just fine and this will be fine to, I am very strong and pretty healthy considering,,
I love you all
lets do lunch or breakfast???
Hey Kelly, that is absolutely wonderful. I DO understand your fears, but sweetie, you've been with us for breakfast....did any of us look like we were "starving to death" or not having a good time? Sheesh, the healing process is just that, a process, then you go on with life--modifying things along the way, but the fun you have with friends going out won't stop. It will only get better. You'll be more focused on what they are SAYING because you won't be eating as much LOL.
Your daughter is naturally frightened. I'm sorry about that, she probably doesn't understand that she will be GAINING a new Momma, one that can do more with her and who will love life even more.