Plastic Surgeon appointment
I went to OSHU and met with Julia Hansen. She is rated one of the Top Plastic surgeons in Portand.
I had consulted with a PS Dr. prior to her but it was nothing as wonderful as my appointment with her was. I really was impressed with the time she took talking with me and in her exam and explination of improvements. I m so excited about putting my body into her hands. I totally believe she is a body countour artist. I sheduled adominal plasty for December. I cant wait ! Im so excited .
Gail, I am glad you are going to Dr. Hansen. I have heard she is great and will be very interested in your experience with her. I am not nearly ready for PS yet, but when I am at goal, the tummy has to go. Perhaps a boob lift too but definitley the tummy. Of course I do like her name too!! Would you mind telling us what PS you are thinking of? Julia W.

Wooo Hoooo!!!
Our little Mac group is getting all lifted and tucked LOL! Carla goes in the end of Nov and ??? is having an abdominal, waist and breast reduction/lift on Tues. Both using the same PS in Salem. Carla used him for her breast/neck/lower face lift. I'll be curious to see their work. Want to have surgery in Feb or March.
Hope all is going well for you. Stop by and see me sometime if you are in Mac. I'm at Larsen's.
(aka Pat)