What's up with OHSU?
I've called them 2x's in the past 2 weeks to reserve a spot in their orientation meeting....and no one called me back either time.
Since I'm self pay, (insurance will cover nothing, I have Providence) I need to find a surgeon and do this all on my own.
I'm just getting started and was wondering if anyone knew anything about them. I know I've heard good things about Dr. Patterson & the group there. I'm scheduled for their meeting, but that is not until December.
Maybe they're re-evaluating things following all of the lawsuits?
Seriously, I haven't actually heard anything formal.
The fertility clinic lawsuit is the worst! I'd been going to that clinic for two years (never got pg) but the facility and staff were top notch. I'm really suprised something like this happened there. Dr. Burry was a pain in the neck (I'd be on a fertility cycle then he'd "see something not quite right" and my cycle -- and all the time and money I put into it -- would be abandoned) but he was a professional pain. I never felt uncomfortable or that I couldn't trust anyone there. I absolutely love Traci!
I had surgery at Dr. Pattersons group (Dr. Jan did my surgery). I suspect that all of the places are just getting bombarded with requests (especially since insurance is starting to pay for more and more patients). I don't know how close OHSU is to becoming a center of excellence but these lawsuits might have someone taking a closer look at OHSU before they get approved... That could be taking some time, too.
In any event, good luck to you.

Call for an appointment with Dr. Deveney on a Monday or Thursday. Those are the clinic days for WLS. Other days are general surgery and transplant clinics.
Weird, I know, but make sure you have the WLS clinic people. They are great. Can't say anything for thany of the others in terms of passing messages (or anything else, for that matter)
I was self pay as well and found that OSHU and Patters Office was too high. I had the Lap band surgery at the North Bend Medical Clinic down in Coos Bay, I had surgery 2 years ago. Dr. Tersigni does all 4 types of weight loss surgery and last I checked he was running abou $10,000 cheaper.
The price I was quoted in Portland for my band was $23,000 and they do in Coos Bay for $12,000 although right now he is running a special for $10.000.
Here is his web site if you are interested:
Good luck, email me if I can help in any way.
In my PERSONAL OPINION the staff at OHSU are incompetent...they nearly killed my father last year with their unsanitary practices following major surgery. During his extended stays there, we found the staff to be discourteous and uninformed and the doctors impossible to reach due to being over-extended. Since it is a teaching hospital, you have to deal with groups of students poking, prodding and assecessing your condition as if you are not present in the room. There is much to be said about bedside manner and sanitation...I could tell you very unpleasant horror stories from our experience that would make anyone question elective (or lifesaving) surgery there. However...I have heard from others that their experiences with OHSU have been nothing but the best and it probably varies within each department. The billing department is a nightmare and they were resently audited for discrepantcies in their billing practices. Good luck with your quest to find a surgeon; I'm in search of one too and enjoying hearing what EVERYONE has to say about their experiences, good or bad.
DISCLAIMER: this is my PERSONAL OPINION based on my family's recent history with OHSU.
I called about a month ago and got an appt. for the next class/clinic, whatever they call it, that was supposed to be on 10/9. I got a letter stating it was being moved to the next week. They got right back with me.
Legacy, on the other hand, can't get me in to a class until mid December!
I'm a self pay and going to Nevada for my surgery. I'm getting the Mini Gastric Bypass not offered here in Oregon anyway. But I still want to go to a seminar to hear about the other types. So I expect to be at OHSU on Monday the 16th.