Roll call: Whatcha been up to lately?
I'm here! I'm always on here checking the boards to have something to read!
I'm just over 4 months post op (lap RNY). I'm doing fine, no real complaints at all! Other than I threw up today! Hasn't happened for awhile, thank goodness! I dumped for the first time the other day when I ate a "fun size" piece of halloween candy out of pure temptation. Dumb mistake I won't be making again anytime soon, as I was on the toilet most of the evening! Ugh!
Anyway, I'm down 93.75 pounds ... went from a size 30/32 in tops and a size 26/28 in pants and I'm now in a size 16/18. Woo hoo! My husband almost passed right by me in the grocery store the other day because he didn't recognize me at first. He told me he hoped that didn't offend me and I said "Heck no! Thank you for the compliment!!!"
Life is grand!

Well, you are certainly not the first one to learn the hardway.
Congratulations on that weight loss! Man, that is fabulous.
Life IS grand!
When we flush out the rest of the gang, come and have breakfast with us. We try to meet in a central location and Salem isn't so very far. Good excuse to hit the Woodburn Outlet for new pants.

I've been fairly consumed with getting the kids launched in the new school year. My daughter started highschool. She retired from gymnastics this year and is now a cheerleader. I never dreamed I would have a cheerleader daughter (O.K. I hated cheerleaders when I was in highschool) but I'm keeping an open mind and her happiness is a delight to me. It has changed a lot and it's more of a sport. Being that she was starting at a new school district it was a great way to start off knowing a whole group of girls. My other daughter started junior high. She on the other hand knew not one person. She is my "Nervous Nelly" who doesn't transition well. By some miracle it has gone really well! She has secured someone to eat lunch with, loves the locker and change of classes and is being very calm about the whole thing. If ever I would have eaten emotionally to calm my fears this would have been the week - instead I bit my nails for the first time in years! My son is LOVING being a senior. It is so heady to be the big shots with all the perks at school and thinking about the future. John and I are muddling through the process of college applications with him. Unfortunately, he is being haunted by a very bad ninth grade year and has to take a night class at PCC to make it up. The biggest stressor is he has to pass Spanish. Chemistry and AP Economics he doesn't even blink - high school Spanish he's dying!
John and I are going to Calgary this weekend. We haven't managed a trip without kids......EVER! It's a dinner honoring his 25th anniversary at his company (not many folks stay at companies that long anymore!) but other than the dinner the weekend is all ours. Thanks to my surgery I have a really CUTE dress to wear!
My mother-in-law is coming for 12 days at Thanksgiving. Me and my big was my idea. I'm actually very happy she's coming, just a little worried about the length. You know what they say about fish and housguest. They both go bad after three days!
Kelly,s here
went to Montana this weekend with my wonderful husband, We went to mauzaula to a univerisity of montana food ball game ( Go Grizz) I am not the least bit interested in football but I adore my husband and going to his collage games makes him very happy. Its a 8 hour drive but we like road trips, He was very proud of me I walked a awful lot on saturday. He had no Idea how much pain I was in,,
It was a wonderful weekend, we just dont get to get away like that enough. All my kids behaved I had no emotional calls from my 15 year old so she and her dad seem to do fine, Whew,, that is a miracle,,
I start on the tricare on the 1st of october so I am hopping to get the ball really rolling,
John actually started collage I spent 175 on 2 books what is up with that dang I just about fell over,,, well figure it out somehow,, I am proud of him.
well ladys cant wait to get to gather soon

Joy here!
I have recently returned to my love of decorative painting. Years ago, I had a homebased business, creating and wholesaling to 50 gift stores within the US and one in Paris, France. I don't think I will go to that extreme, but it does feel good to hold a brush in my hand again.
Joe and I have been harvesting many wonderful fruits and veggies from our garden. The yard looks great, mostly because of Joe's love of gardening. We are hoping to take a trip to New Zealand sometime after my ankle surgery on November 1st and recovery.
That's about it. I hope I can make the next get together. I love being around you guys!
Hi Tee. Wow! I haven't logged in here in a very long time! I'm doing great! It's been a little over 13 months since my second stomach surgery, and life is looking good. I have been walking 3-4 times a week with my daughter-in-law, and we are both hoping to drop some more weight. I am down about 80-90 lbs. since my first surgery in April 2004, and I would like to drop at least another 25-30 lbs. We'll see. I am finally feeling really healthy, so I am back in the game again.
That's about it for now. Take care.