I have bad news......... and worse bad news
First, the bad news............my thyroid has to be taken out. I was hoping to avoid surgery but it is not possible to avoid it and breathe at night. Poor hubby isn't getting much sleep with me choking, coughing and gagging in the night. So, the only cure for his symptoms is removing my thyroid.
The worse news? The doc says they cannot remodel my chicken neck at the same time.
Aw, well..........onward!

Well, how artistic are you with a carving knife?
No, they won't give at all. The nerve!
Middle of August.........you can come over and sit on a chaise with me in the backyard...... but give me a few days home first. I'm planning on spending a couple of days with a bad mood for having surgery and no neck reno. On the other hand, those pain meds could cancell out my bad mood and make me comatose. hmmmmm...
We should try to get together before then..... I'm heading to Montana at the end of the week. Back around the 1st. I plan on winning big at a casino to pay for my new neck. Where there is a will, there is a way........

Hmmm... perhaps you'd better save your pennies and have it done right!
I am really good at sitting on a chaise lounge. I've had years of practice. Maybe I can fan you with a palm frond and feed you grapes?
Just let me know when and I'll be there. Of course, we may need to head south when/if we get a phone call. Joe's 91 year old father is seeing his last days. We are expecting him to pass at any time. Barring that, I am there.

Oh Drats!!!
I can't sit on the chaise with you!! I'll be in the San Juans boating with the family 9-14, then at my class reunion (remember it's the 35th!!!) on the 18-20. Maybe after then I can bring my voodoo magic and chicken's feet (to go with the chicken neck) and conjur up a solution for the neck.
Well, it will be levoxyl for you for life!
I'm tenatively planning to have a BBQ on Sunday the 10th of Sept. Just decided tonight. I hope you will be well enough by then to "crow" about the surgery--sorry, I couldn't resist
Hope the surgery goes well. I'm off this monday, then again on the 26th. Maybe we have enough time to get together then...if we do it later in the day maybe some of the working peeps could join us.

Well phooey on that! Still glad they didn't find anything "bad" on it. Wish they could have balanced it with a nice taught neck, but at least you will have more peaceful sleep. I'm still boggled by what they were able to do to my innards laproscopically. Based on that, I'm guessing they will be taking it out with a couple of tiny holes? Don't forget though, that even though there might only be a couple of little holes (or six in the case of by-pass surgery) the body has still been through something and will need to recoup. Lots of reading and T.V., and phone calls (you can call me!).
Hope it goes uneventfully. My son will be getting his tonsils out in a few weeks too. Hope to meet up with you guys when you do.