Kitty Litter...MEOW!
So... I went to the store to buy my sweet kitty some litter. I bent over to lift the 50 lb. bag into my cart and heaved a sigh. It was too heavy for me to lift! I checked out the weight of the bag once more and smiled. I have now lost 95 pounds. That's almost two kitty litter bags!
It's no wonder that my poor body ached all the time and I had to take a break amid vacuuming one room. Isn't it amazing how we slowly adjust to carrying such a load? I suggest that we each go to the store and stack up 10 pound bags of potatoes to equal our weigh loss. Hey! Take a picture of the potatoes and you!! Just don't forget to replace them onto the shelf when you're done.
It is truly amazing and I am so very grateful for this surgery.

Great post. Yesterday during my walk I was thinking of the 69 lbs I've lost and what I could hold in my arms that would equal that... My two girls weigh 40 and 35 lbs, 75 total. so when I reach that weight loss I'm going to have my picture taken holding them both. That should be next week some time! two weeks at most.
Maybe I'll do the shot at the store with 7 bags of potatoes too! or how bout 70 packages of butter!
It is just so amazing! At 175 it would be like me vacuuming with my sixteen year old son on my back! My frame wasn't designed to carry that much weight, and like Joy said, no wonder everything had gotten so hard. In addition to all of the obvious benefits and perks, losing the weight makes every little thing easier. The day is so full of moves and chores that used to be too much for me. This hot weather has been making me think of my pre-op friends here, because the heat used to make me literally sick.