another newbie state worker
I am new to the board and am scheduled for an orientation in Portland on Aug. 16th. I don't know if I will qualify for WLS because my BMI is 37, but I do have quite a few comorbities(sp) I am wondering if anyone who is going through Dr. Patterson, Hong, Jan has a rough estimate of what to expect timewise if I do qualify. If orientation is aug. 16th do you think it would probably take around 4 months or so before the WLS would be scheduled? thanks, Diane
It took me forever to get to the seminar. I went last June. I had my first set of appointments (surgeon, nurse and psychologist) at the end of July. I had my surgery at the first part of October. I understand, though, that they've been getting busier and busier so their schedule might be a bit more confined. A lot of the time between July and October was waiting for insurance. I should mention that I'm not a state employee.
I also have a feeling that if they agree to do surgery, they'll be steering you to lap band. It has a lower surgical risk and it will (hopefully) teach you new eating habits.
I had Dr. Jan and he is really great.
Good luck!
I am a state worker and I had my orientation March 9th, had my appointments with the clinic on April 26th & 27th, met with Dr. Jan on May 22nd, and had surgery on June 23rd. So you can say I had just over a 3 month turn around from orientation to surgery. I you have the BCBS insurance they will only let you get the gastric bypass..the lap band isn't an option with insurance at this time.
I had my surgery at the first available time because I was worried about putting it off to later in the year because of more and more state workers getting approved and there being a longer wait. I also wanted to get it done this year because it would fall in the $1000 max out of pockets costs and with the sleep study and all the other work I had done this year I only had $400 left for my max out of pocket then the surgery would be covered 100%. I also was thinking that the more state workers that get approved I wonder if BCBS will change the coverage and increase your out of pockets costs for this surgery for next year's policy.
Hi Diane!
I'm a state worker too and I had a quick turn-around. I did the seminar in January and decided then that I would go for it. I did all my testing/evals Feb 27th & 28th (including the sleep study). At that time, BCBS was saying you had to do the whole 6 months of follow-up with the center, but when I went to my appt in March with Kelly the dietician she said that they changed it and now are only requiring the 5% weight loss for approval. So...I weighed in on April 27th and had met my 5%! I got my approval from the insurance May 4th and was scheduled and had the surgery May 25. I think that's fast! So, in the end, its however long it takes you to lose the 5%. Oh, and I had Dr. Hong and he is GREAT! I had very little pain and he is very attentive to your well-being. Good luck!

Hey Diane--First of all
Good Luck on starting this WLS journey. I totally understand your thoughts--I've been going over all the boards trying to figure out everybodies time frames, especially with Dr. Jan and Legacy since I'm going through them. So good luck on your journey.
Seminar: May
Pre-op Appts: June 2nd and 6th
Sleep Study: June 14th
Surgion Consult (Dr. Jan): July 10th
Pre-op Class: Schedule for July 19th
I find out tommarrow when my tenative surgery date is--they are supose to call me at 9:00am and said if I didn't hear from them by 9:15am to give them a call. I'm doing the happy dance just thinking about it

Hey Diane,
I have Regence BC/BS Federal plan (Standard) and apparently the Pysch. (Dr. Ude) isn't covered under my policy. I don't know if its how she bills then or what, but I had to pay $450.00 the day of my appointment. The office billed me for the other parts that I owed. I think it was $275.00 and $45.00. I saw Dr. Jan Jay on the 10th and I didn't have to pay anything at that time.