Happy Birthday Pat Schnatterly!!!!!!
Thanks Tee. I just now got this and I hope you get a return to your e-mail. I had a nice day!
OK, on the dating front.....had a date to watch fireworks on the 4th. He wasn't my cup of tea, but was at least a nice man. Had coffee this morning with a guy from here. OK, now we are talking. Nice, sparkly eyes, sweet, a bit nervous (about the date which I found to be sweet) and we have a lot in common. So, there IS a second date.

Well thank you very much....this didn't get posted to my e-mail like it should have and I've just now popped in to the OR board. I DID have a good birthday spoiling myself on pampering.
I went on a coffee date today that was....really nice!! There is even a 2nd date out of it. Wonders never cease. You should see what I wore though....
LOL, it had an older customer's eyes out of his head. He purchased ALL of my services LOL. Sheesh!! Amazing what a camisole will do to some men's brains.
Give me a call sometime!