One week Post op and I'm home
Hello all. just a quick note to let everyone know that I came thru surgery with Dr. Hone one week ago today. I had to stay an extra day, until Friday, before being released, but am home and getting around pretty darn good.
Every day I get a little stronger, but I do believe every post I read pre-op about how hard it is to get the protein and water in.
Thanks for your prayers and well wishes....
Oh Dina, Dina, are a life saver......................!!!!!
I got your package when I finally went and checked my mail on Monday.
I had purchased "liquid" Centrum for my vitamin, and was so terrible, it seriously was the only thing that has even come close to making me nauseated, but boy was it.......I would just dread taking it because I knew I would be sick..
So along comes your package, with that added little suprise of those WONDERFUL vitamins. I actually said to my daughter, "there is a God" lol, and Dina is a life saver.
I'm gonna make it now girl, I know for sure.
Thank you so much. I weighed... one week out and 7 lbs down, I think that may be low from what I read here, but I'll take it. I had kind of a bad experience at the hospital, I'll write all that later, still really swollen and retaining a lot of fluid I believe. Let me know if you have the wonder cure for that.
I'm so happy.....Thanks again're the greatest.

Great tp hear you are home and working on your sipping. It does get easier to get the water in. The first few days it seemed like such a consuming chore, but once your up and about it becomes a routine habit. At this early stage your body is reacting to the surgery procedure itself. All that fluid increase, and feeling like your body isn't ever going to let it all does! I have a picture of myself at the two week mark, and it was already so visible how much better I looked. Not even thinner, but just so much healthier.
Hang in there!
Great tp hear you are home and working on your sipping. It does get easier to get the water in. The first few days it seemed like such a consuming chore, but once your up and about it becomes a routine habit. At this early stage your body is reacting to the surgery procedure itself. All that fluid increase, and feeling like your body isn't ever going to let it all does! I have a picture of myself at the two week mark, and it was already so visible how much better I looked. Not even thinner, but just so much healthier.
Hang in there!