Too quiet around here!
Hi all!
I returned from my vacation to British Columbia and will return our grandchild to California this Thursday. I think we spent more money on gasoline than anything else!!
How about getting together sometime next week? I miss all of my new friends and need some time with you! Let's plan a day, time and place and I will be there!
I hope that you are all doing well and having a great summer!

Hello all!!!!
I am still waiting for the insurance to call would lik e to give them a piece of my mind
They don't care if we sit around for days waiting to hear from them. Anyway, I am going to my pre-op meeting Wednesday but then have to run to the coast for a convention but I am hoping to be back next week for surgery.
Hope to meet some of you sometime soon. Sonya

So good to hear from you. You are being asked about on the Kaiser forum, so you might want to post and let everyone know you are doing okay. I wish I could be at the support group this Saturday to see you, but I will not be returning home from Cali until Sunday.
Keep up the good work. I will be seeing less of you soon!

Hey Miss Joy,
Your one year anniversary is coming up next week too!!! So is my Hurrrummph...50+ birthday on the 28th. I'm actually spending a good part of the day on Pat maintenance. Massage, facial, hair appt, waxing, pedicure and nail fills. I can't be done with any of that until later in the afternoon
, but would be up for sometbing later on instead of lunch how about afternoon tea or early evening poo poos.
Suppose to be nice and hot too!!! Just a thought. If it were after work maybe a few others could join too.
Glad you had a good Vay Kay in BC. I love it up there.