1 week to go!!
One week from today, next Tuesday, June 20, as of right now 1:30 PM. I hope to be ln the recovery room at Legacy Good Sam. lol...I'm so excited and a little frightened at the same time. I do feel knowledgable about my decision and comfortable that I am doing the right thing....
The one big thing left is this 3 day liquid diet that Dr. Hong requires. So that will be challenge I am sure...Did any of you have any tricks to m ake it thru those 3 days, or did you all just suffer through...
Can't wait to be on the losing side.....7 days and counting.
Hi Terri!
The countdown begins!!! Hurray!
The 3 day liquid diet was actually easier than I thought it would be ... it's amazing how your body can actually handle it! I drank a lot of chicken broth ... hated the beef broth though. I also had some diet Snapple, Jello, and more chicken broth! It's amazing how much being on a clear liquid diet will clear your system out though. So by the second or third day, make sure you're someplace where you feel comfortable going to the bathroom!!! I think I lost about 5 pounds during those 3 days!
As far as being in recovery ... they told me and my husband to expect me to be in recovery for an hour or two ... wrong! I was there for 3 1/2 hours! I guess I took a long time to wake up from the anesthesia. Anyway, be prepared that you might take longer getting up to your room than they might tell you. I heard it's quite common for it to take longer than you think.
This week will go by so fast for you! Good luck!!!

Wow Terri - things are going quickly! I did get your email and I will try to get that package out on Monday for you. Might get it after you are out of surgery, but it'll still be good timing. Just hitting massive overtime lately so not a lot of time to respond to posts lately. You know what that's like!