Never, in my whole adult life, have I managed to get to my goal weight. Well, here I am and I am so grateful for this surgery and all the support I have received on this site.
I realize that this is just another beginning. The next part of this journey encompasses maintainence, but I am ready for it. I now wear horizontal stripes
,exercise because I enjoy moving my body
and no longer feel like everyone is watching when I enter a room. There are so many changes in my life. These are just three of them.
OH! And I need to update my picture. I no longer look like my picture on my posts. I now look like a Sharpei !!
Thanks to everyone for your support and love!

Oh for heaven's sake!!! You are gorgeous and TINY. I told you that a couple of weeks ago. I'm so envious!!! Sharei--pffff. Don't give me that!!
I like T's idea of "Menapause" OMG, I'm turning 53 in exactly 4 weeks. How could THAT happen?
Congratulations on making your goal, Joy. You are a cutie patutie!

Hi Pat.
I've been called many things in my life, but never a "cutie patutie". I will add that one to the list! LOL
Joe and I will be out of town for the next few days, but I love the idea of a girl's night out... or a mattinee.
Yeah... sure... like you even look like 53. The new hairdo is going to cause you to get carded the next time you order a drink! Let's face it..... we are all hot stuff!

I'm so happy for you Joy! It is an amazing thing to have the pounds gone. I have found that the more amazing thing is having the burden gone. One of those was that feeling when entering a room! Your surgery was such a success - your move to Oregon has seemed like a great thing for you and your husband - such a sweet start to retirement! I have enjoyed getting to know you and watch your transformation. I love having you on here. I always enjoy seeing your face (beautiful face) and hearing your positive words. Look forward to seeing you SOON.