Any groups near North Powder, OR?
That would be great Judy if we could get together for lunch. I have an appointment with Dr. Hong just after you. Lunch would be good. Get me the name of the resturant or the address and I will meet you at 1pm. That sounds great with me. I am getting so excited about this surgery that I can hardly sleep, even with my CPAP machine. If you would like my phone number or cell email me and I will give you that information. Sonya
I am sorry that I didn't make it to lunch, but I tried getting out of town in time but got late and then for some reason I had to stop at every rest stop between Pendleton and Arlington. Then I stopped for my usual nap on the way down there (my sleep apnea causes me to get very tired trying to drive). By then, I just barely made it to my appointment with Dr. Hong... Hopefully I will be having surgery about 2 weeks after you, God willing... Again I am sorry...Sonya