Attention ladies who lunch ........(or breakfast or dinner)
I didn't realize you were inviting me to lunch! No I can't, alas, I have to slave away at work all day. I'm using all my paid time off for DR appts and hopefully my surgery.
I'm having to get surgery clearance from a Cardioligist at the moment. I just know more on that sometime this coming week. I had tests Thursday and Friday.
Then I have an appt with the surgeon on June 7. I have a certain process to go through that my insurance requires. So I'm not quite sure yet when I actually get to have the surgery. Hopefully I will know that after the 7th.
Like I can stop Joy from talking about her wrinkles (not!) She just has to find someone else to listen.
(she has such a pretty face you don't notice them, honest)
Why don't we organize something for the 7th also? There are tons of places near Legacy. Miso Happy is right across the street, for example. At least, let's have coffee (or whatever)
We're still on for Monday, though, and everyone reading this is welcome to join in.