Attention ladies who lunch ........(or breakfast or dinner)
How are you at tin foil millinery?
C'mon, let's get serious here, eh? Where, when?
Everyone knows I'm in for Olive Garden. Other places: Sweet tomatoes. Village Inn at Bridgeport., Patty mentioned a Bento place....other suggestions? Marco's in Multnomah Village........?
(Let's cross Elmer's off the list-it's NOISY)
11:46:30 so we'll beat the rush!
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May I have everyone's attention for one minute?........
Just in case it has not been said clearly enough, everyone.......EVERYONE..... is invited to join in.
Thank you, carry on.
Are your antenea up yet???
I'm up for lunch...It's just my schedule is a bit tighter than Joy's because of work. I was off today. I have every other Wed off and every other Monday off. I don't care where we eat. Food is food.
I'm a tired girl tonight...put in 10 miles on my bike today and as you well know, it was a hot one! Still, glad to be on the move!
Pat--the Go go girl