Surgery was on Tuesday, came home today ... GAS really bad!
Hi everyone!
I had my RNY with Dr. Hong on Tuesday and I came home today. I'm doing relatively okay but I have gas sooooooo bad that I'm just miserable! They said to try some Gas-X or Beano and to try putting a heating pad on my tummy. Please tell me this gets better!!! The sounds coming from my belly are quite impressive but boy, it is uncomfortable!!!

HI Deanna!
I had an appointment with Dr. Hong Wednesday - I wish I would have popped in and said hello to you, I was right across the street. I'm sure you TOLD me that on this site, I just didn't connect it.
Painful gas is very common post-op. Don't think that's how you are going to feel from now on! Until your bowels get going things can get a little weird. Funny noises, pain in places that don't seem like the right place to be hurting, times when you take a little sip and think "O.K. now what?!" Dr. Hong warned me that the first few bowel movements wouldn't be very "normal" and they weren't. Knowing that it's temporary and that what you are experiencing is normal helps. In a couple of days I bet you will be feeling much better! Until then just keep walking as much as you can and sipping your water.
As Joy said, I too could clear a room with gas early on. I am glad to report that now at two years out I hardly ever have gas. Much less than I did pre-op.
I'm so glad things went well.
well, we've got quite a group of Dr. Hong's patients right here...
I had RNY on May 2nd. I really didn't have any of the issues with the gas people talk about. More just a general feeling of lowgrade nausea for about 3 days. surgery tuesday. home thursday. thursday night and friday used percocet, so everything was FINE. quit percocet cuz i wanted to start feeling normal again. saturday and sunday were the hardest days, felt crappy. not to get too graphic, but there were several times when I wished I had gotten to the bathroom a few seconds earlier. nuf said.
Monday was the turnaround day. each day has been better since. I had been walking 30 minutes a day for awhile before my surgery, and I"m already back doing that. not going quite as far, but that will come.
I am going in to the office today, because I'm concerned one of my incisions might be infected. better safe than sorry.
power to you, and like everyone says, the more you sip and walk the better you'll feel. perhaps we'll run into each other at the support group stuff?
anyway, take care. walk when you can, sleep as much as you want, make someone pamper you.
Deanna ! I was thinking of you on the 9th. I'm so glad things went well. Please keep us posted on your progress.
I got the call yesterday to set an appointment to meet with the surgeon. Exciting and scary all at the same time. I have several hurdles to cimb though. I have to gets surgery clearance from a Cardioligist.
I also am choosing Dr. Hong, since I have read so much good about him on here.
Thank you Gail, for telling about this website!
Hi Joe!
Thanks for your help on my gas issues! I'm happy to say they are getting much better!
I wanted to ask you how your appointment went about your incision you thought might be infected? What made you think it might be infected? One of my incisions is quite sore ... the one they used to do most of the work through. Anyway, it has a light pink round coloring just to the side of the incision. It doesn't feel hot like it's infected but it is a bit harder than the rest of the stomach area. Don't know if it's a bruise or what!
It's great to meet you ... you're only 1 week ahead of me so I'm sure I'll look to you for advice all the time!

Well, let's see. I didn't have a fever, or any oozing or anything. Just EXACTLY what you're describing. She (Dr. July, Dr. Hong's fellow) said i had a mild rash from the tape, and the harder spot at that incision site was from a hematoma. It's fine and isn't getting any worse, and really isn't that sore. it just doesn't feel like the rest of the incisions. by the way, it's the largest incision, on the upper left side. they said that's where most people have soreness, because that's where that biggest tool goes through.
I'm down 18 lbs in the 12 days since surgery. fast start!
best to you