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At almost 2 years out, Nioxin will probably be a sure thing for you. The opening at the hair follicles become blocked and new hair dies instead of coming out. The Nioxin will clear that blockage and let new hairs grow out.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Hi Eva,
I'm going through the process at Guelph right now. It's a long and very well thought out process before you get approved. Your doctor should be willing to do the referral and let the clinic do the figuring out what's right for you.
Good Morning and Happy Holidays. I'm sorry that I can't help you with info for out of country plastics.... but from my experience , look into and exhaust all options of getting your plastics done in Ontario, Canada first. There are many Dr.'s able to get Ohip to fund a good portion of a panniculectomy, & often breast reductions all covered. As we age, and I had my first plastics done @ 54 years old, I wanted the security of being at home encase of complications. I really had none and had a panniculectomy, muscle repair(hernia)with a new belly button and a breast reduction/lift all covered by Ohip, and opted to get lipo done at the same time and paid $3500 for that. It was 5 years ago but even with inflation I'm sure it would still be a savings than going to another country and having to be there for a couple of weeks. I used Dr. M. Elahi and I know for a fact that he is still doing a lot of Ohip funded plastics. Good Luck with whatever you decide.
Still losing almost 2 years out.
Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18
I would insist on a referral to Dr. Wharton - really super clinic that deals with obeisty and obeisty-related issues - they will work with you and it was through them I was referred to Toronto Western for surgery - they are really really nice, understanding, helpful and informative. He has four locations including one in Burlington, Stoney Creek, St. Catharines and Toronto.
thank you for the information - really helpful - just googled it. I definitely have "acute telogen effuvium ... I'm just 6 months out from surgery (which was June 11 of this year)- so keeping fingers crossed it stops SOON. Silly, but my hair has always been my security blanket (which in itself is an issue I guess!)- as I've always been blessed with long, wavy really thick hair - having this pathetic thin trailing hair is just so far out of my comfort zone! I'm going to bite the bullet and cut to just above my shoulders after Xmas and hope it starts to come back! In the interim, definitely going to look for that Nioxin you recommended. Happy Holidays!
The technical name for it is telogen effluvium.
It usually resolves after about six months. You can google the term for more information.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
It's really upsetting :( - thanks for the reply - I am going to look for Nioxin - not sure where I would find it but I will look! I'm going in February to get my hair cut which is in itself a bit traumatic - My hair is past my hips and will get it cut to my shoulders - just angry I didn't cut it before the hair loss started as it would have been a great contribution to Angel Hair for Kids (which my daughters and I have contributed to before).
Mine was still bad after two years. Most people's comes back after about six months. One day my hair stylist came to my door with a bag of products. They were Nioxin and it worked for me, but still took about six months of using the products before my hair was no longer thin.
Biotin did not grow any hair on my head, but i had a lot grow on my face and had to have full face waxings several times before I realized that it was the biotin and threw it away.
This is just my experience. I would not have spent the money on the Nioxin because I thought it was too expensive, but when it was given to me, i used it and was glad I did.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends