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Hi Kathy, don't feel bad. I just had my surgery, and I was told how our taste buds change. However, I didn't think that they'd change as fast as they did. I was given the ready to drink "OH Yeah" brand in vanilla in the hospital. I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. I came home and I only had Fairlife vanilla and chocolate and I couldn't drink either one. So I ordered the OH Yeah brand from a the only website I could find that they had them in stock. I payed $65 for twelve, not to mention the expiration is coming up in March. Anyway, It only took 2 days to get them to me, and by the time that I received them I couldn't drink them at all. I guess I wasted that $65 dollars, unless soon I can doctor them up with something in my blender, before they expire. I am so sorry that happened to you. I have family that lives on Beaver Island. Those were some of the best memories of my childhood. One of these days I am going to go back for a visit, I hope. I'm not sure exactly where you are but it sounds like near Charlevoix.
Hi Lexi!
think 've seen your post on some of the face book post. I'm 9 years post RNY and loving life. Not to say I don't have some issue. Going for iron infusion tomorrow (third one this month). I least its only once a year now
on 1/17/21 3:39 pm
Hello Leslie from Cobourg... Deb (Lexxi) from Belleville here.. via Hamilton! Had surgery in Hamilton in 2012!!! Just saying hi!!
Take care of you & stay safe!
I too just had my 9yr surgiversary... Jan 11, 2012 - got off of 9 out of 11 pills, got rid of my cpap machine.. was type 2 diabetic. Lost more than half my body weight! DIDN'T lose any hair luckily! BUT took biotin a year before surgery!
Try to educate yourself as much as possible! Join many support groups - check out facebook! Outweigh the pros and cons!! Think about your future. You will get healthier!!! and thinner... but my goal was to get healthier!! Sure it's nice to wear smaller sized clothing but I can now move and run and breathe better! And who knows where I would be today if I stayed on the wrong side of the road. You probably won't be in the hospital long and will appreciate the time to yourself!
Just keep thinking about why you started your journey!! You will find the answer BUT ... you can always change your mind.. some have even before they were wheeled into the O/R. It's your life... it's your decision!
The only regret I have is not doing it sooner!!
Good luck!!!
I've been a long time lurker, and it's been such an amazing honor watching the success, struggles, and triumphs of everyone here on this site.
Surgery changed my life for the better, and while I still struggle with a few mental mishaps since then, I wouldn't change the life I've gotten back in return for the decision to go forth with the proceedure.
Don't ever feel like you're going to fail. If you get in that mindset early on post surgery, you're going to be your untilmate demise in the long run. Take it slow. Know your body. Remember the long term goals, and reach for the stars.
I love you all, and never give up.

Surgery: July 21st 2017 with Dr. Jules @ Guelph
Not much happening on the Ontario forum either.
I'm 9yr+ from RNY. When I had my surgery sent hubby home till I called him to pick me up. You'll be fine on your own. Have no regrets at all. Lost 160 lbs to my lowest but was too small. Had regain about 20lbs over the years but sit at size 10-12. Its good for me. Only issues I had were about year 2 had reactive hypoglycemia which is very common where blood sugar drops for no reason. Just keep sugar tabs (Dex 4) with me (grape was my fave). It settle down over the year. I do get iron infusions about once a year but no biggy. My goals when had surgery was better health. left hospital on no BP meds. Off CPAP within 6 months. Normal cholesterol and no joint pains.
Before sugar start making positive changes i.e. cut out the crap food, cut out pop. Eat 3 meals a day. Try not drinking with meals and at least 30 min after. Have absolutely no regrets at all.
Good luck