What are you eating/doing Monday?

on 12/9/19 9:13 am

Good morning everyone

The holidays are quickly approaching so this weekend got productive and my friend and I made some decorative evergreen planters for by our doors, along with some snowmen made out of logs...... they are sooo cute! (if I can figure out how to attach a pic I will). When I got back home my brother and son were making some apple pie booze,,,, tastes amazing but too much sugar for me!

QOTD: Do you do any creative projects/cooking/brewing for the holidays?

B - protein shake

S - boiled egg

L - chicken breast, salad

S - triscuits, roasted red pepper hummus

D - Portabello mushrooms with shrimp,garlic, cream cheese filling

S - greek


on 12/9/19 3:01 pm - Canada

Love the decorations!!

Nothing creative happening here. Usually I make some chocolate chip cookies over the holidays to share. My friend and I are doing a paint nite next week which should be fun -- it's my fifth one I think. It's a winter scene this time, so somewhat festive.

on 12/10/19 6:32 am

Pretty soon you will be painting murals on the kids walls! You go girl

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