What are you eating/doing Wednesday?

on 12/4/19 5:22 am

Good morning foodies,

Yet another busy week! Tonight I plan on making up a couple outdoor evergreen planters for Christmas with a few friends of mine. I doubt we'll finish in time that I'd be able to make it to my gym so I'll likely just use my stationary bike at home later tonight.

B - protein shake

S - boiled egg

L - chicken skewers, salad

S - turkey pepperettes

D - not sure, whatever my friends have planned

S - probably won't need one

on 12/4/19 10:21 am - Canada

Good afternoon :)

I had a doctor's appointment this morning so I felt like I was running around getting ready for that. My iron keeps dropping so I think she will be sending me for iron infusions.

Post-op four years and eight months.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - nut bar

Lunch - tbd

Snack - cheese and pickles

Dinner - pork chops leftovers

Snack - pepperoni and crackers

All water and vits.

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