What are you eating/doing Friday? Happy Thanksgiving!

on 10/11/19 9:01 am

TGIF menu people

It's a crazy workday so I'm posting while I have a chance. I happen to be a person who loves fall so the cooler day, trees turning colours and even farmers harvesting in the fields makes me thankful! We have a family reunion for our Thanksgiving so it's kind of a potluck. I'm cooking a turkey, a veggie dish and likely a dessert. Since turkey is one of my favorites, I'll have a good helping so that I'm not as tempted by the various desserts.

QOTD: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food and how do you celebrate?

B - protein shake

S - boiled egg

L - chicken skewers, salad

S - sweet potato crackers, roasted red pepper hummus

D - homemade taco's

S - turkey pepperettes

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

on 10/11/19 10:20 am - Canada

Good afternoon and happy thanksgiving!!

We went to the grocery store -- all I needed was milk for the little nugget. It was crazy there!! I can't imagine how much worse it will get over the weekend.

I made a veggie chili this week and it came out so yummy. I'm not a cook so I'm always happy when something is good :) we have so many leftovers!!

Tomorrow we are going to my in-laws for dinner. They are slow roasting a chicken/turkey. They raised some chickens this year on the farm.

Post-op four years and seven months.

Breakfast - milk, egg

Snack - oatmeal bar

Lunch - cheese and ham

Snack - tbd

Dinner - leftovers

Snack - nut bar or yogurt

All water and vits.

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