Stopping by to say hello - Man, did my life go south but weight loss stable

Wayne H.
on 8/29/19 8:19 am
RNY on 02/08/17

Hi Everyone both New and Old :-)

Just checking in to let those that know me that I am still alive.

Life has thrown me several curve balls but I must say the girls who I know strongly consider my Friends at the Ottawa Coffee chat group have kept me both honest and grounded but more that anything, My support Group.

Let's see, in a nutshell since my WLS Surgery.

WLS Surgery Feb 2017

Separation March 2018

New GF April 2018 :-) (Shes a PSW in Long Term Care and has also had the WLS surgery)

Surgery for Skin Condition May 2018

Hit by Tornado Oct 2018

My brother Diagnosed with hydrocephalus Feb 2019 and Shunt put in soon after.

- (He was my mothers (87) primary Care giver) She is now moved in with me.

Shunt did not work, Doctors determined he now had Frontal Temporal Dementia (FTD)

Steady Decline in hospital...could not get him into Long Term Care (LTC) because of his behaviour and of course ****ty, long, Wait list to get folks into the proper care.

Brother Passed away July 24th, just after his 65th Birthday.

My mother now has a rapid onset of Dementia starting up. Sun-downing is unreal. Trying to get her placed now.

IF EVER THERE WAS A TIME I WANTED TO GIVE UP....... it was about now.

Thankfully, I am committed to my own Life changes and am happy to report that despite all of this, I am holding steady at 265 Lbs. Yes, I am up from my lowest weight, but this tool of ours is determined to keep the pounds off.

Now, I am getting back on track. I'm Drinking my water again and looking to get back into the gym.

My Exercise consists mostly of Trying to get my Moms Home emptied out for sale, and moving both hers and my Brothers belongings to my house so they can be sorted, sold, Donated. It's a ton of work while still trying to maintain my own Home and life style.

Again, Without my All girl Support group at the Ottawa Coffee Club/Chat group (AKA my HAREM) and of course my Angel delivered to me prior to all this starting I would have been lost, depressed and frankly, Likely obese again.

Life goes forward, Don't waste time on BS or nitty gritty politics. Do this for you, Stay the course and remember, We are in this for life.

Thanks for being here, Thanks for letting me spill my guts and Thanks to the Ottawa Clinic for giving me my health back. Now more than ever I intend to enjoy life to it's fullest. My Brothers Passing simply reminds me that life is to short to waste sitting around devouring carbs, junk food and all the items that got me to 404 Lbs to start with.

I now have a motorcycle as does my GF so we get out for lots of "clear out thoughts" rides.

We finally got out to Kayak this summer and bicycle as well while camping and soon we are off to Port Dover for the Sept 13 Motorcycle Gathering. Can't wait.

WHAT DOESN'T KILL US, MAKES US STRONGER! I just need something good to happen for a change. LOL



(deactivated member)
on 8/30/19 5:01 am
RNY on 03/26/17

Wow you have been given a different hand! Good job maintaining your weight through it all. I'm a PSW in long term care, Alzheimer's and Dementia are no joke. I work 6am-2pm so I don't see much "sun downing" but get my share of behaviours throughout the day. There are days where a bag a chips looks pretty good but eating the chips won't make the behaviours stop.

Hoping you get some happiness in your future! Stay strong!


Wayne H.
on 8/30/19 5:25 am
RNY on 02/08/17

Thanks. Dementia is a terrible, nasty, Life robbing Disease.

I would prefer to be hit by a truck than to live with that.

on 8/30/19 5:43 am

Good morning and thanks for sharing your story.

Wow you have been through the ringer and back as they say, but I am SO happy you came on and shared. It definitely helps put things in perspective and makes you realize "don't sweat the small stuff" are words to live by! Keep up that fight and please update us on how you are coping/enjoying life moving forward.

Have a great long weekend

Wayne H.
on 8/30/19 8:41 am
RNY on 02/08/17

Thank you.

Oh and BTW, If anybody wants to join our Once a Month Meet up for Coffee, Chat and Support. Let myself, Mahalo or Tutu know via this forum. I'm not sure if the dates still get posted.


on 9/4/19 10:34 am

I just joined OH a few minutes ago. I saw your post and wanted to tell you that I think it is great that you know how important your health is, with these struggles.

When my Mom was diagnosed with early onset dementia (66 years old), I was at my highest. I think around 290. I had gained 170 pounds over three years over stress. About a year after her diagnosis I had RNY surgery in Washington State, where I was working. I am glad my Mom, who died at 68, was able to see me lose 100 pounds. She could say few words, but one was "beautiful" after I lost 100. I am so glad I did the surgery then, because I am afraid I would have continued gaining with stress eating.

It is almost 20 years since my RNY. I kept off that initial 100 for about 16, even lost another 30, but it crept back up. I still had maintained 90 pound loss, so I felt pretty happy about that. Now, I am back on track, and I am down 105 from my highest. I am going to the gym for or five times a week. I am incredibly healthy. I feel great. I really want to lose 25 pounds this year, then I will be at a healthy BMI

Good luck. You have to take care of you, or you will be no good to anyone!

Wayne H.
on 9/6/19 10:12 am
RNY on 02/08/17

Thank you for your comment. Keep up the good work yourself!!

on 9/11/19 1:48 pm
RNY on 03/07/17

Wayne!! You have been through the ringer for sure and you are so strong and I'm so proud of you for getting through this horrible time with your brother's passing and your mom's dementia. Take lots of time for yourself when you can and I'm so glad to be part of your harem and the Coffee Club. I love your friendship and I'm so blessed to call you a friend. If you ever need an ear or shoulder - I'm here. You are doing great considering all the obstacles put in your way - I know good things are coming your way for sure. Good things happen to good people so you are due!

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