Optifast struggles

on 8/26/19 4:10 pm
RNY on 05/01/19

I'm on day 4 of Optifast. Day 1 was OK, day 2 was non-stop headache, day 3 diarrhea. Today I have been feeling good and thought the most difficult days of adjustment just might be coming to an end.

But thoughts of just throwing in the towel and eating what I want are creeping in this evening -- to the point of questioning even having the surgery.

I see my family Dr tomorrow, so no way am I going to give in tonight. [She's a great cheerleader for me]

Have others struggled with these thoughts on the run up to surgery?

Even though I am hungry, I also struggle to drink the 4th shake of the day. Push myself b/c I know I need the protein.

On a positive note, I love my homemade chicken stock - and who would have guessed iceberg lettuce tasted so great!

on 8/27/19 6:36 am
RNY on 06/17/19

First few days are awful, congrats on getting through them! Keep yourself busy and don't let your head hunger get to you now. You are doing great.. This is the hardest part of the journey and you are almost through it!

Kath L
on 9/4/19 7:55 am

Stick with it! You can do this.

I'd try taking off my clothes and standing sideways in a mirror to remind me why I'm going through all of this. Think about how unhealthy you feel and how you long to have more energy for a better quality of life.

If you are as far through the process to be on Day 4 of Optifast, I'm sure you can do this. Don't ruin it now.

Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20

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