What are you eating/doing today -- Wednesday?

on 8/21/19 5:56 am - Canada

Good morning :)

We had some thunderstorms through the night. I think they woke up puppy 1. They aren't scared of the storms but I think the noise got them up. So I was up lol. I do not like storms but when they were puppies I made myself act calm when they happened because I had a dog as a child who was also terrified of storms.

No idea what we will do today. We had an early bank appointment yesterday to setup a savings account for the little nugget. Of course I didn't know I needed to bring her ID -- we already had some stuff setup for her and had brought it when we did that. So that frazzled my day ;)

QOTD: do you like thunderstorms? DH loves watching them. We have a sunroom and he sits out there to get a good view. I hide in our room with the curtains pulled lol.

Post-op four years and five months.

Breakfast - milk

Snack - toast with PB

Lunch - chicken and something

Snack - ham and cheese

Dinner - tbd

Snack - SF pudding

All water and vits.

on 8/21/19 9:34 am
RNY on 06/17/19

Love, Love, LOVE thunderstorms!! I have to admit though, a few weeks back we had a doozy at the trailer park and I panicked a bit. The winds were so bad, I thought it might be a tornado.

2 months post op

B- Milk

S - 1 Samosa (totally not planned but a contractor brought me some still hot - gave the rest away)

L - I brought fish and green beans but probably won't eat it. my belly feels bloated from that damn samosa

S- salami and cheese stick

D - Probably my lunch, fish and green beans

Have a good one!

on 8/21/19 9:44 am - Canada

Adding in a tornado would definitely be my worst nightmare. I drove through two of them by accident and I never want to have to deal with that again. One almost blew my car off the road -- it happened when I was driving home from college. The rain came down so hard I couldn't see and had to pull over. The second one I just missed but it took down a huge tree in our yard.

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