Could use some advice and insight

on 8/16/19 3:35 pm

I had lapband surgery done in 2008. I had the band for 4 years and only lost about 60 pounds. Started at 294. The band eroded and I had it out in 2012. I've been trying since then to lose weight (as I've gained all my weight back plus some!). I have finally made the decision to have surgery again. I was referred into the Toronto program and had my first orientation session 2 weeks ago. The only disappointing thing is the wait time. 1.5 to 2 years to get the surgery. I'm starting to investigate going private and having the mini gastric bypass at smartshape. I'm 48 now and bordering on being immobile with terrible knee pain. What has the experience been with other members in terms of wait times. Is it really that long or do they just say that to make sure you're committed? Wishful thinking on my part? ? not sure if I should wait or just do the mini on my own and start moving forward. Would love to hear any thoughts, advice, insight, experiences etc...

on 8/16/19 5:25 pm
RNY on 12/28/18

I had my orientation in March and surgery in December that year. The healthier you are the sooner your surgery will be scheduled as every health issue have to be addressed before. It will pay off if you wait. After the surgery you get much better care (covered by OHIP )then people in the US. Whatever problems you don't even think twice just go see your doc. Which hospital if you don't mind saying?

on 8/17/19 4:36 am

Hi Annika, thanks so much for responding. My orientation was at Toronto Western Hospital. Your information is great and I appreciate it!! What hospital did you have yours at?

on 8/17/19 5:17 am
RNY on 12/28/18

My team is in Humber river hospital. I know one year seems like a long time but once you start appointments with Bariatric team it will go fast.

on 8/19/19 6:37 am
RNY on 06/17/19

I was at Humber as well and orientation was in Nov 2018 surgery was June 2019.

My hubby is going through Guelph and it looks like he will be even quicker.

on 8/16/19 7:33 pm

I too would go through Toronto. You can always call and call and call and see if there were any cancellations of appointments. In the interim, start implementing the changes and try to loose weight on your own. Like others have said, the healthier you are the better! Good luck and don't let the wait times deter you. Immobility is no fun. You've got this!

RNY Oct. 27/17. HW 289; SW 285; GW 144; LW: 161 CW: 196 FML: Fighting regain :(

on 8/17/19 4:38 am

Thanks so much Lucille 777!!

on 8/17/19 5:25 am - Canada

I agree with what the others have said. Some things you can do to help the process could include getting a sleep study, making sure any medical conditions are under control or observation (blood sugars, mental health issues, etc.), and to start making changes like cutting out pop, stop smoking, cutting down/out alcohol, reducing coffee, etc. -- whatever is on your program's radar.

on 8/17/19 5:59 am

This is all really great advice! Thank you all as I really do appreciate it!!

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