What are you eating/doing today -- Thursday?
Good morning :)
We didn't end up going to Costco yesterday. Maybe next week!! :)
Today we are going to pick up a few groceries and I have to go to storage to pick up the box for one of the little nugget's toys that is now too small for her. She tried to climb out of it the other day, so that's the end of that lol.
QOTD: how did you start your wls journey? I went to my family doctor because I was always so tired. He did some tests and referrals, but just before I left he mentioned wls and asked me to do some research and think about it. I left the appointment saying no way. I was never going to have surgery and rearrange my organs. After doing some research and learning more about the long term stats related to weight-loss without surgery I decided to start the process. But I always said I could stop at any point in the process if I changed my mind. I'm so glad I went through with it :) DH mentioned the other day that he doesn't really remember me "bigger" from before surgery.
Post-op four years and five months.
Breakfast - toast and PB
Snack - cheese and crackers
Lunch - tbd
Snack - lunch meat and pickles
Dinner - something with ground beef
Snack - SF pudding
All water and vits.
QOTD: Pretty much exactly the same as you Meg.
The Little Nugget (aka Thorbellina) needs something better to climb on. A pony?
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.
Morning foodies,
I thought about hitting Costco tonight but think I'll pass since there really wasn't much interesting on sale this week and I need to do a bit of touch up painting before my moldings go back on. My trainer upped my reps and some of the weights last night so I'm feeling it today!
QOTD: I too went to my nurse practitioner because I was having a terrible time with swelling in one leg,, she did my physical and I was "shocked" by the scale. She asked if I'd ever thought about WLS and I said no (had in the back of my mind that there was NO WAY I was doing surgery), so she just suggested me sitting in on an introduction which is what I did. The education convinced me I needed to consider it as an option and the rest is history. Like Meg and CC, I am so glad I did and wished I would have been more informed several years ago!
B - yogurt, boiled egg
S - pretzel thins, PB
L - grilled chicken strips, yellow beans
S - protein shake
D - fish on the BBQ, broccoli
S - turkey pepperettes

Afternoon all!
QOTD - I went to my doctor in 2016 because of my weight, requesting to see some kind of dietitian. She told me that it wasn't covered by OHIP but suggested wls. I was so offended. I left so upset thinking that it was so dumb that OHIP would cover surgery but not help me learn to eat better. I sat on it for 2 years while I struggled with diet after diet. Finally went back with my tail between my legs asking for a referral.
I am only 2 months post op so I am still in the spot where I am wondering if I did the right thing. the scale hasn't moved in over 3 weeks and I am freaking out. Also, no dumping or side effects, most ppl might be happy about that but I was counting on it to help me. Time will tell I guess!