What are you eating/doing Wednesday?
Halfway through the week ;)
Last night I got DRENCHED leaving the gym enough that I had to dump my shoes before I started driving. I always shower right after a workout but that was ridiculous. Sunny days ahead by the looks of it.
Thought of the day: It's a sure sign of summer if the chair gets up when you do.
B - boiled egg, SF apples sauce
S - turkey pepperette
L - 2 chicken skewers, salad
S -turkey kielbasa, cheesestring
D - protein shake once I get done workout
S - peanut butter, graham crackers

Good morning :)
Nothing planned again today. The little nugget woke up weirdly early -- I'm assuming something maybe outside woke her up. I was able to snuggle her back to sleep for a bit. Mostly household stuff today. Blech. Gotta get this place shipshape -- the little nugget's first birthday is coming up soon :)
I can't remember where I was the other day, but I also stuck to a chair... Darn all that post-op loose skin to peal off slowly lol.
Post-op four years and four months.
Breakfast - milk
Snack - PB and oatmeal
Lunch - sandwich
Snack - turkey and cheese
Dinner - leftover pulled pork
Snack - tbd.
All water and vits.
Hello guys (from my Wednesday morning self)
Busy work day yesterday but I was thinking about you guys!
B-half a protein shake
S -half a protein shake
L - chicken thigh, 2 soda crackers and a piece of motz cheese
S - salsa and 12 WW nacho chips
D - missed - the evening just got away with me
S - greek yogurt