What are you doing/eating Wednesday?
Good morning all! Wow, time sure flies in the summer. It's midweek and I haven't even posted. Last night was another workout with my trainer which I'm really enjoying and tonight I go again for an hour with him.
QOTD - Do any of you use supplements other than the vitamins we need to take? Someone suggested collagen powder might help with strengthening my hair so I bought some at Costco the other night and started mixing it in my shakes. Apparently its also good for skin, joints and bone health.
B - protein shake
S - sweet cherries, low fat SF bran muffin
L - 2 chicken skewers
S - cheese, turkey kielbossa
D - leftover rotisserie chicken, lettuce, mustard wrap
S - yogurt

Good afternoon :)
The little nugget found her bookshelf so I guess I'm going to be tidying that up later ;) lol. I want to encourage her to look at books because I love reading but DH doesn't.
Today I have an ultrasound -- it's just a checkup so we don't expect to find anything.
Post-op four years and four months.
Breakfast - milk
Snack - protein shake
Lunch - sandwich
Snack - tbd
Dinner - tbd. Maybe chicken
Snack - SF pudding
All water and vits.