What are you doing/eating Thursday?

on 7/18/19 5:39 am

Good morning menu peeps. Last night I had a session with my trainer at the gym which went very well, I can tell it's working since I feel it this morning. Yesterday was a crazy workday so hopefully today is a bit more relaxed. No plans tonight so I'll likely get my walk in and just chill for the evening.

B - boiled egg, low fat SF bran muffin

S - sweet cherries

L - shrimp & sauce, SF apple sauce

S - 1/2 protein shake

D - chicken breast, salad

S - turkey pepperette

on 7/18/19 7:13 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Nothing much planned for today -- a doctor's appointment and maybe some groceries. I'm so happy we finally got some rain but the humidity... Yuck lol. We have raspberry bushes in our garden and they have produced so much fruit this year. I swear the little nugget has eaten two pounds of berries this week. Hopefully with the rain we will get some more. I need to trim back our herbs as well -- we are going to have a lifetime supply of parsley.

Post-op four years and four months.

Breakfast - milk, oatmeal bites

Snack - cheese sticks

Lunch - chicken something

Snack - yogurt and banana

Dinner - tbd. We have a few options in the fridge to use up.

Snack - oatmeal bites and cherries

All water and vits.

on 7/18/19 8:50 am

MMmmm raspberries. I tried to buy some out at a local berry farm this past weekend but they were sold out so I still bought strawberries. You are lucky I'm not your neighbour or you may see my hand sneak across the property line for a handful.

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