What are you eating/doing Tuesday?

on 6/18/19 7:31 am

Good morning gang, gang, gang? (hears the echo) Where is everyone?

I missed my walk yesterday and did have a small piece of angel food cake with berries and SF choc sauce on Father's Day so I better make up for it.

B - greek yogurt, local strawberries

S - boiled egg

L - 2 chicken skewers

S - shrimp & sauce

D - 1/2 smoked pork chop, broccoli

S - 1/2 protein shake

on 6/18/19 8:39 am - Canada

Good morning :)

We were up and out early this morning -- DH finally got a family doctor so he had his first appointment. Then we stopped for breakfast and groceries. The new doctor seems pretty nice and funny. At the end he asked if DH had any questions... He said yes, I've been having this pain in my chest. The doctor said, "you waited until the end to mention that?" Lol. The doctor thinks it's muscular, so that's good :)

Accountability: not been feeling great lately which has been good and bad. Good because I haven't eaten much. Bad because when I do eat it tends to be more carby than normal.

Post-op four years and three months.

Breakfast - protein bar and egg white (the little nugget got the yolk)

Snack - breakfast sandwich -- tried the new veggie sausage. I'm not a fan.

Lunch - tbd

Snack - cheese and pepperette

Dinner - spaghetti sauce

Snack - SF pudding

All water and vits.

on 6/18/19 11:18 am

"pain in my chest" is kinda important so I understand the doctors surprise. lol Glad to hear it was muscular for sure.

Hope you are feeling better soon Meg. I'll add you to the "sending good vibes" list I have CC on.

on 6/18/19 11:49 am - Canada

Send all my vibes to CC too... I think she needs them more ;)

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