What are you eating/doing today -- Friday?

on 5/10/19 4:46 am - Canada

Good morning :)

This morning we are going to an event where you get to paint a flower pot and then this afternoon we are taking puppy 2 back to the vet. He is having some gastro issues, which turned out to be basically food poisoning of unknown origin. Today he's getting a checkup to see how things are going with treatment.

QOTD: do you like painting, drawing, or any other artsy crafts? I enjoy them, but I don't like things that take a long time since I often don't get around to finishing them. I crochet and I have at least two blankets on the go right now. When my aunt (she taught me to crochet) was sick she gave me about 90% of her wool collection. It had several balls of this peachy coloured wool. I don't know why but I decided to make a bobble blanket with it. It's definitely not my favourite colour so I don't know why I chose that colour. Anyways, I bobbled all of the wool in her collection and then had to buy the closest matching wool I could find -- thank you Mary Maxim lol. But it is only maybe 60% finished at this point. Between the puppies and the little nugget I figure it will be a decade or two before I fini**** lol.

Post-op four years and two months.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - cheese sticks and pepperettes

Lunch - pork chili

Snack - carrots and PB

Dinner - chicken wings

Snack - SF pudding

All water and vits.

on 5/10/19 4:48 am - Canada

This is what my bobble blanket will look like if I ever fini****:


on 5/10/19 8:50 am

Happy Friday! Work got in my way of posting yesterday... but I did stay on track with food and managed to do some cycling indoors since it was pouring out.

QOTD: I really enjoy artsy things and when I was in school and college did a lot of painting and drawing. Soon after, I had kids the was a single mom for 19 years so needless to say adult crafts were put to the side in exchange for finger painting and school projects. I taught myself to crochet when the kids were young and would enjoy starting that again now that I have more spare time. That blanket looks cozy Meg so I'm guessing once winter hits and lil nugget is sleeping you can likely get back to it.. always fun to be working on one in the cold weather so it keeps you warm at the same time. I'll be waiting to see the finished project wrapped around the cutie!

B - triple zero greek yogurt

S - egg bites

L - leftover chicken

S - 1/2 protein shake

D - shrimp, asparagus, mushroom stirfry

S - 1/2 protein shake

on 5/10/19 8:54 am - Canada

Lol hopefully the cutie isn't an adult when it's finished ;) it runs in my family. My grandma is still working ona sweater she started for me when I was a little kid.

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