Humber Timeline

on 2/7/19 10:22 am
RNY on 06/17/19

I excited to share that I have finally got my appointment rolling. Next week will be appointments with the nurse and social worker and the last week of Feb, I have appointments with the surgeon and the dietitian.

What comes next. Any of my Humber people out there willing to share their timeline with me?

on 2/7/19 1:30 pm

Hi There!

Once you complete the trios appointments it's pretty fast from there. Feel free to check out my timeline below.

Study, study that book before trios is my best advice!

Referral - June 2018 ~ Orientation - August 21, 2018 ~ Meet The Surgeon (Dr. Klein) - December 14, 2018 ~ Internist ( Dr. Glazier) - January 25, 2019 ~ Social Worker - January 28, 2019 ~ Nurse and Dietitian - January 30, 2019 ~ 2nd Surgeon Appt - February 25, 2019 ~ Pre Op Appt - March 7, 2019 ~ Start Opti - March 6, 2019 ~ SURGERY DAY - March 20, 2019

on 2/7/19 1:49 pm
RNY on 06/17/19

Thank you so much for sharing. I am pretty sure I know that book inside and out but I will read it again this weekend. So excited!

on 2/8/19 4:59 pm

Hello, who was you dietitian if I may ask. I had a terrible experience with one of the dietitian who made me feel like I would totally fail no matter what . It was very discouraging .

on 2/8/19 5:35 am
RNY on 09/14/18

Excellent news. Its all up hill from here. I went through Humber see my timeline below. Best of Luck!

Referral: December 2017, Orientation: February 2018, Meet the Surgeon: April 2018, Internist: June 2018,

Dietician & Nurse: July 2018, Social Worker : August 2018, OptiFast: August 2018, 2nd Surgeon Appt: September 2018,

Surgery: September 14, 2018 at HRRH with Dr. Starr

on 2/8/19 8:12 am
RNY on 06/17/19

Thank you so much!!

on 2/18/19 6:31 pm

wow, so happy for you. have you got called for the appointments? looks like it will be fast from this point. I am waiting for the appointments as well.

on 2/19/19 9:38 am
RNY on 06/17/19

They called me with all my appointments. 2 are complete, 3 are booked for the end of the month. Fingers crossed, everything is okay and I will get a surgery date!!

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