What are you eating/doing Thursday?

on 1/24/19 5:27 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Good Morning!! I did the row/ab class again last night and beat my Monday night distance by almost 900m. Woot Woot!! Went to the gym this morning and just did the elliptical. Not too much on the go for today. Thank goodness its almost Friday, this has been a long week!

Post Op 2 yrs 9+ mos

B - 2eggs, 1 slice of cheese, 2 strips of bacon

S - roast chicken breast (yesterdays snack....oops)

L - chili, tomato/cuke/feta salad (again left from yesterday)

S - pepperette, cheese stick

D - octoberwurst sausage and steamed cauliflower

Have a happy Thursday!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 1/24/19 6:34 am - Canada

Good morning :)

All our plans were cancelled yesterday because of the weather. I'm okay with that. Today our realtor and a staging consultant are coming to review our house and give us ideas for improvements and staging for photos. Since our house wouldn't be put on the market unless we found a place this gives us time to make changes :) Later I'm thinking we might run a couple small errands if the roads are okay.

Post-op three years and ten months.

Breakfast - protein bar

Snack - Greek yogurt and blueberries

Lunch - sausage and quinoa

Snack - carrots and PB

Dinner - Ceasar salad with homemade bacon

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 1/24/19 7:28 am

Hello gals. Well just a normal work day here so not much going on. Tonight I have a hair appointment and I'm sure she will say she can't do much since my hair is thinning quite a bit and feels really dry. Any pointers and does it ever go back to normal?

B - greek yogurt, 1 boiled egg (6 mins in the instant pot, perfect! and they peel awesome)

S - turkey pepperette

L - leftover roast chicken with bit of gravy

S - cheese string

D - protein shake (will be on the road)

S - SF jello with protein powder

on 1/24/19 8:46 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Hi, find a style that suits you for now. It will grow back, just takes time.

Make sure you are using good conditioner or even "food". That might help it to be not so dry.

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 1/25/19 8:23 am

Thanks Ginny.

VERY relieved to know eventually it will grow back!

I just kept it pretty basic and dyed so I don't have any grey roots. I do have some condition from the salon that I've been using and am going to try one of those deep conditioning treatments that you leave on for a bit.

I appreciate the advice ;)

on 1/24/19 10:45 am - Bobcaygeon, Canada
RNY on 11/23/15

Post Op 3 yrs

B - Coffee with Premier Protein Chocolate

S - 1 Boiled Egg

L - 1/4 c Fat Free Cottage Cheese with 1/3 c Blueberries and 2 Turkey Meatballs (2oz each)

S - 15 slices of Butterball Turkey Pepperoni

D - Steamed Veggies and Crab Meat

Referral: July 2014 Orientation: October 2014 Meeting with Surgeon: March 23, 2015 RN/SW/Dietician: June 1, 2015 2ND Phone Interview with Dietician: July 7, 2015 Dr. Glazier (Internist): August 24, 2015 Surgery: November 23, 2015 Starting Weight: 305 lbs - Goal Weight: 130 lbs - Current Weight: 145 lbs

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