Who does the team talk to in regards to mental health?
Hello, I'm wondering if the bariatric program provides a psychiatrist or therapist for you to talk to?
I'm hoping to avoid my psychiatrist speaking to the team because she has stated to me that she thinks the surgery is a bad idea and she has the mindset that I should just "put down the fork" in order to lose weight. I'm worried she will ruin my chance at the surgery because of her own bias.
Does anyone know who they'll likely speak to or have me speak to? What was your experience?
5'2 240 . Referral Feb 15th 2018 . Contact from hospital March 13th . Group info session April 23rd .
No one on the team spoke to any of my doctors.
As part of the "assessment", you will see, depending on the centre you are going through, some form of therapist/Social Worker.
In Hamilton, I saw a Social Worker/Therapist. She was very good and I really liked her. I had experienced some mental health challenges previous to starting this process. I was honest, told her what I had struggled with, and how I dealt with all of it.
Unless there is something really concerning to them, I don't think they would contact your Psychiatrist.
BTW, there are lots of Doctors who are not on board with this surgery. In fact, the Respirologist/Sleep Specialist I saw was an absolute Jerk about the whole thing and threatened to kibosh my efforts to have this surgery. I unloaded him and moved on.
Unless someone has a different experience, I think you'll be fine.

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18
I went through in Guelph last year and they have a psychiatrist there that you will have to see if you have a history of mental illness. I do, and was denied the surgery last year (for valid reasons). I can try again this year after I've made some progress. I would just be very open with them. I can see now that I wasn't ready last year and will be this time.