What are you eating/doing today -- Wednesday? We

on 1/16/19 5:57 am - Canada

Good morning :)

We are off to see the pediatrician today for a weigh-in. Let's just say I'm happy that it's not me getting on the scale. Then we are going to run a few small errands. I arranged a storage unit so I will be starting to clear out the extra stuff this week. This feels like a huge job.

QOTD: there is a new show on Netflix with Marie Kondo -- Tidying up. I find it very motivating but I'm not on board yet with pulling out every single item of clothing that I own. How do you organize your clothes? Have you gotten rid of anything that doesn't fit? I have a few things in a bunch of sizes so I feel like I can't get rid of everything but I would like to pare it down.

Post-op three years and ten months.

Breakfast - protein bar

Snack - mixed nuts

Lunch - turkey bacon wrap

Snack - Greek yogurt and blueberries

Dinner - roast beef and squash

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 1/16/19 6:07 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Happy Hump Day Gang, it has already been an incredibly long week and we're not there yet! Geesh.

Did my full body weight routine this morning, and have an appointment tonight after work. Will get out to the arena at lunch and do the walking track.

I'm actually excited for the dumping of snow we are supposed to get this weekend!! Tired of grey dirty streets. Lets see the white stuff!

I tried some Chocolate PP in my coffee this morning. It wasn't horrible but to get the flavour I had to add quite a bit and then it cooled my coffee too much. Next time I will have to reheat it a little bit. Good way to get some extra protein, although I don't know that I need the calories.

2 yrs 9 mos

B - summer sausage sandwich on mini tortilla, mayo, havarti, mustard

S - greek yogurt, 2 oz blueberries

L - salad - romaine, chicken, bacon, cheese, ranch

S - deli turkey (3 slices), 1 chicken skewer

D - might pick up chicken shwarma on the way home, or just a slice of meatloaf at home

Have a great day!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 1/16/19 6:30 am, edited 1/15/19 10:31 pm

Good morning gals,

Just a regular work day for me today. I've started using my indoor cycle nightly to get in some lower body training so that will be the extent of my "plans" tonight. I'm sure you have lots of Christmas pictures with the lil nugget Meg,,,,,, we need to see how much she's changed when you get a chance someday! (Yes I miss that stage now that my kids are adults)

I need to purge my clothing big time before spring... I have drawers of different sizes that I can probably fit back into now that I've lost quite a chunk of weight in the past year. Donation bins will be overflowing by the time I'm done :)

B - greek yogurt

S - turkey pepperette

L - chicken veggie soup

S - 1/2 protein shake

D - eggs and peameal

S - 1/2 protein shake

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