What are you eating/doing today -- Thursday?

on 1/10/19 4:13 am - Canada

Good morning :)

So I've been watching the new tidying up show on Netflix which inspired me to start clearing out some of the stuff from our storage room. I've already had two pickups and I have more going today. We had talked about renting a storage unit to declutter our house, especially if we were considering moving, but I want to wait and see if I can get rid of stuff and save the money.

Today I have an appointment with a counsellor to talk about some of the stuff that has been going on lately. I find sometimes it is helpful to talk about what is going on and review some strategies for dealing with issues that come up. This is my first time meeting this person because my regular counsellor is on maternity leave.

QOTD: do you like to hoard stuff or would you consider yourself to be more of a minimalist? I'm definitely on the hoarding end of the spectrum. One of the main reasons for this is that my family owns a self storage company and I had a unit since I was a teen. I never had to throw anything away. When we moved into our current house I went through a big transition and was able to purge a ton of stuff and get rid of my storage space. I want to get it down even further now :)

Post-op three years and ten months.

Breakfast - protein bar

Snack - Greek yogurt and blueberries

Lunch - cheese and pepperettes

Snack - homemade applesauce with something...

Dinner - chili and quinoa

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 1/10/19 5:46 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Hey Gang! Another blustery cold day today. I turned my alarm off last night - I'm usually up anyway but I figured I would just see what the weather was doing when I got up. Well I heard my Trucker's alarm at 5:00 and then had to nudge him at 5:15....I figured I'd be getting up for the gym. Well I woke up again at 6:15 so I guess I needed the sleep. I could have jumped up and gotten to the gym for a shortened workout but instead I enjoyed my coffee and watch one of my recorded shows.

QOTD: The older I get the easier it is to throw things out and not buy frivolous trinkets that are not needed.

2 yrs 8+ mos

B - 2 eggs, slice of havarti

S - devilled eggs, 2 slices bacon

L - sauteed chicken, peppers/onions, cheese, sour cream

S - 4 slices deli turkey, greek yogurt

D - chicken cordon swiss (maybe some greek salad - but the chicken usually fills me)

I need to find some new protein options. The deli turkey just doesn't fill me up, probably makes me feel more hungry actually. Unfortunately I'm a bit of a particular eater and there are lots of things I see on other peoples menus and think there is no way I could ever eat that . The other day I actually weighed my deli turkey .... 5 slices is just about 3 oz, so maybe I just need to have a couple more slices. I've always just followed the package that says 4 slices is a serving.

I think I'm just getting tired of eating in general .... a stage I'm going through. I also wish that I couldn't eat anything I want (think sugar) because it's so easy to grab something off plan knowing it won't affect me physically, other than possible weight gain which, touch wood, hasn't happened yet.

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 1/10/19 5:48 pm - Greater Toronto Area, Canada

6 days post op

QOTD - Minimalist for sure. Throw eveything away!

Food: (There is no defined meals. I just graze all day)

2 premier proteins

1 Fiji Water (drank about 600 ml of 1L bottle so far)

125 ml of PC Blue Menu roasted red pepper and sundries tomato soup

Exercise: Got about 12000 steps today

Female 30s Canada
RNY January 4, 2019
I lost 100% of my excess weight.
Currently re-comping body/losing vanity pounds prior to plastics.

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