What are you eating/doing today -- Thursday?

on 12/20/18 5:14 am - Canada

Good morning :)

So, my parents decided to surprise us by coming last night instead of Friday. Today I'm going to drag them to Ikea with me. Hopefully it isn't totally nutters there. I might also go to toys r us. I have a gift thing that expires at the end of the month so I will see if there is anything there we need :)

QOTD: what's your best holiday survival tip for staying on track post WLS? Mine is to always bring a bag of food and snacks in case there isn't anything WLS friendly. Also, I bring my water flavouring things with me so I can drink lots of water.

Post-op three years and nine months.

Breakfast 1 - oatmeal bites

Breakfast 2 - Greek yogurt and blueberries

Snack - protein bar

Lunch - chicken and cabbage stuff

Snack - melba and PB

Dinner - either leftover cabbage stuff or lasagna... I will need to make something for everyone here :)

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 12/20/18 5:56 am, edited 12/19/18 11:59 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Good morning everyone! Did my weight routine at the gym this morning and was forced to go 2.5 lbs heavier (per side) on chest press and bicep curls because the other weights weren't on the rack. Its a good thing because as I said it forced me, I suppose I could have went light but where is the challenge in that?

Yesterday I "gorged" on veggies and dip. Who even does that? There was a retirement function for one of the employees. Oh there was plenty of cookies, cakes and fruit trays, but nope I went for the veggies. I think veggies aren't "bad" but full is full....walk away, just walk away!!

2 years 8 mos

B1 protein shake

B2 roast beef (there is about 4 oz but not sure I'll get it all in)

L - spinach salad with chicken, bacon, egg, goat cheese

S - deli turkey/yogurt

D - shredded chicken on mini tortillas with sour cream and shredded cheese

Have a great day all!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 12/20/18 6:10 am - Canada

Maybe I will have to take a veggie tray to all the Christmas events this year ;)

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