What are you eating/doing today -- Monday?

on 12/17/18 6:48 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Slow start this morning. I seem to have a sinus headache that is slowing me down. My goal today is to use up some very ripe bananas and bake some oatmeal bites. Tonight I'm taking the little nugget to see my paternal grandmother. It's a very weird situation because I have only seen her twice in the past twenty years. I guess I'm trying to open that door a bit.

QOTD: my friend and I were talking on the weekend about how it is weird to lose touch with someone you were close to for a long time. Is there anyone you have lost touch with that you would like to reach out to? It seems easier these days with social media, but I feel like it can also create a barrier -- you can get updates on peoples' lives without having to talk to them. I have an aunt who I was really close with as a child but I only see her a couple times a year now. Mostly on holidays.

Post-op three years and nine months.

Breakfast 1 - protein bar

Breakfast 2 - melba toast and PB

Snack - Greek yogurt and blueberries

Lunch - leftover ribs and veg

Snack - pepperoni and pickles

Dinner - leftover chicken

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 12/18/18 4:34 am

Meg I'm sorry that you had a sinus headache. They are the worst. Hope you are feeling better today.

QOTD: I have lost touch with some people in my life. For the most part, I would say that we had evolved in ways that were no longer similar. Also, it took me quite a while to figure out that if your friend is bad mouthing all of their other friends, there is a good chance they are badmouthing you. The friends I have now I absolutely love. We all have weak moments and we support each other. They are positive, funny, witty, and genuine.

I'm sure that your Aunt would love a call just to catch up.

My menus have been thrown together and not planned. I keep good snack foods in the fridge for emergencies. Last night was a hardboiled egg for dinner. I love that you can buy they pre-cooked and peeled.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 12/18/18 7:11 am - Canada

Thanks CC!!

I hope you are having a lovely time down south :)

I love shopping in the states. They have some very interesting and delicious treats that we can't get here.

on 12/18/18 4:35 am

Also forgot to add that the boards are really quiet. I guess everyone is getting ready for the holidays.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

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