What are you eating/doing today -- Wednesday?
Good morning :)
Yesterday did not go as planned. Little nugget ended up with a bit of a fever, probably from her needles. I also spent a bunch of time helping my cousin register for his college classes.
Also, I had a bit of a brain fart regarding my blood work on Monday. Usually I go in the morning but I went after lunch because of the time of our doctors' appointments. Well, I didn't think and I took my meds at lunch time so much blood work levels came back abnormally high. I will have to get them redone.
QOTD: what is your least favourite sound? I can't stand the sound of eating utensils clinking together. Or them scraping on a plate. I also hate emptying the utensils out of the dishwasher. I would rather do almost any other chore :)
Post-op three years and nine months.
Breakfast - Greek yogurt and blueberries
Snack - trail mix
Lunch - unknown
Snack - egg and pickles
Dinner - random freezer leftovers
Snack - pudding
All water and vits.
Good morning! Sorry your day didn't go as planned, that can be frustrating.
Was hoping to do my weight routine at the gym this morning but I sprained my ring finger on my right hand going on two weeks ago now and it just couldn't hold the heavy weights. I did what I could (cuz I'm stubborn like that) and then did some extra cardio. Didn't help that the "older fella" I usually talk to in the morning hasn't seen me for a while so he gave me a crushing handshake. I almost yelped out loud. He felt so bad. I didn't figure he would squeeze so hard.
QOTD: people slurping their coffee, tea or soup.....anything really. I just want to punch them in the face.
2 years, 8 mos
B - omelet with bacon and cheese
S - 4.5 oz of ham
L - my salad from yesterday because some dough head forgot her salad dressing at home
S - yogurt (or 2 HB eggs)
D - maybe more ham
Have a great day!
Oh yes, slurping is really annoying... I can't stand the way my brother drinks fluids. It is this loud gulping slurp. I can't even describe it.
Also, I had an epiphany after reading your post... You put "dough head" which totally makes sense. But I always thought when people said it they meant "doh head" like doh from the Simpsons. My world is just a little brighter now lol. I guess I have never seen it written down before.
Good morning gals :)
15 days post op VGS
Please feel free to comment should any of you have suggestions on my menu since I'm just starting out.
QOTD: Someone sniffling drives me crazy,,,,I feel like throwing a box of Kleenex at them.
B - greek yogurt
S- 1/2 premier protein
L - Cream of mushroom soup
S - Poached egg
D - either Kirkland canned chicken breast or grilled Basa with lemon pepper seasoning
S - 1/2 premier protein