one step sooner to surgery

on 11/23/18 10:03 am

The doctor cleared me so next is the social worker and dietician. The doctor said if everything goes fine with the other two.I would be going for surgery before the end of winter. how has the process been for others? It makes me nervous and excited. One thing I have thought about is, will people treat me different ?

on 11/23/18 11:16 pm - Fort Payne, AL

Which surgery will you be having? Sleeve, lap band, D'S, or RNY?

on 11/27/18 9:06 am

The gold standard RNY

on 11/23/18 11:18 pm - Fort Payne, AL

Which surgery will you be having? Sleeve, lap band, D'S, or RNY?

on 11/24/18 5:56 am

Yes they will treat you as a non-obese person. I do not know if it is me or the rest of the world but I feel not as "judged" as before.

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

on 11/25/18 12:08 pm
RNY on 01/16/18

Congratulations on being closer to your goal of having surgery.

You may find that people react to you in a multitude of different ways. Some will be jealous of your success and act out. Some may be your greatest supporters and you never expected them to be. Others will react differently to you because YOU are going to change. will change.

As you lose and start feeling better you will exude an air of confidence that maybe wasn't there before. There will be a spring in your step that creates an aura of happiness that maybe wasn't visible before. As your energy level changes and you start doing more (gym, organized sports, travel, bike riding, skating etc.), you will attract new friends. Your old friends may not know how to deal with the new you and that's the truth.

Your better half may feel threatened by the new you and some heart to hearts may be in order.

It's a whole new world and it's waiting for you. New friendships, removing toxic relationships from your circle and embracing the changes that will come moving forward are all possible on this journey.

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18

on 11/26/18 9:31 am
RNY on 09/14/18

I agree SweetRide1. I had my first experience of someone acting out over my recent big weight loss a few weeks ago. I had the belief that people would treat me the same way I would treat them if the role was reversed. Honest and supportive! Not so. It did throw me for a loop, but in thinking and talking about it with one of my true supportive friends it made me realize that I have to be mentally prepared for these things to happen because people do react in different ways. Bye toxic friend!

Referral: December 2017, Orientation: February 2018, Meet the Surgeon: April 2018, Internist: June 2018,

Dietician & Nurse: July 2018, Social Worker : August 2018, OptiFast: August 2018, 2nd Surgeon Appt: September 2018,

Surgery: September 14, 2018 at HRRH with Dr. Starr

on 11/26/18 12:35 pm
RNY on 03/07/17

That's great news for you! Positive steps forward! You will do great.

Some people will treat you the same, some better, some worse. I had chubby friends who had a hard time accepting new me because it felt like competition for them to be with me. My weight loss reminded them of their failure to lose weight and they felt guilty eating junk around me. Others were very suppoortive. Most people are good and supportive. Few toxic people are out of my circle now, but leaves room for more positive and happy people now!

on 11/27/18 3:30 am

I find I am no longer invisible to people in stores.

Referred January 7/17, Orientation Humber May 28/17, Meet Dr. August 4/17, TRIO November 3/17, Internist November 21/17, Surgeon again December 21/17, Pre-op assessment January 4/18 and Surgery January 12/18.

on 11/27/18 8:23 am - Greater Toronto Area, , Canada
RNY on 12/12/18

I know that feeling oh too well!

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