Have you dumped? Tell us about it.

on 10/27/18 4:47 pm

If you've dumped then this post is for you. Please tell us what you ate that you think caused it, how your body responded, what symptoms you had, what you had to go through, and how often this happens. Thanks!

RNY Oct. 27/17. HW 289; SW 285; GW 144; LW: 161 CW: 196 FML: Fighting regain :(

on 11/5/18 4:34 am
RNY on 09/12/17

I am currently almost 14 months post RNY, and I dump anytime I eat anything overly sugary.

This can include yogurts with too high of a sugar content, apples/grapes, and other fruits. Honestly am terrified to try processed sugars like cookies or candies at this stage.

Dumping for me includes, shaking, sweats, nausea and vomiting.

I rarely dump from fats, but it has happened, same symptoms as above, and once, when I was three months out I did have the runs from 2% milk as well.

on 11/5/18 7:10 pm

Whoa... sorry to hear this. I dump when I overdo the sugars... like once I had 3 Oh Henry Halloween bars one right after another after my Premier Protein shake and it was on!!! I can't believe a person would dump from fruits- that's rough :(

RNY Oct. 27/17. HW 289; SW 285; GW 144; LW: 161 CW: 196 FML: Fighting regain :(

on 11/7/18 2:40 am
RNY on 09/12/17

It's definitely been interesting, but overall, I'll take the downside along with all the benefits.

The fruit, I don't really miss much, most fruit I'm allergic to, to begin with...and by the time I get my protein in, there's not room for much more...so all in all, I'm not gonna complain

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