What are you eating/doing Tuesday?

on 10/16/18 5:30 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Good morning menu gang! A little brisk out there this morning. I was up early and off to the gym. I did 20 kms on the recumbent bike in 51 mins. Pretty darn good for me. I have rubber legs now but hey! I have a couple of meetings this morning and then an otherwise uneventful day. Will get out for a walk at lunch if my buddy brings his stuff.

Post Op 2 Years 6 mos

GF - Premier Protein

B - turkey sandwich on flat out wrap, with cheese, lettuce, mustard, onion

S - roast turkey and cucumbers

L - chicken caesar salad

S - deli turkey and cheese

D - bacon wrapped filet mignon, maybe some cauliflower

Have an awesome day!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 10/16/18 5:36 am

Ginny we posted at the same time. Thank goodness for cut and paste, lol.

Good morning Menu Mates. Looks like we had our first frost last night. I'm going to ask DH to build a nice fire tonight. Corrie, maybe I'll make myself a propa cuppa (I have Typhoo decaf).

This morning I'm going swimming then loads of paperwork this afternoon.

Accountability: Really good

Question of the Day: Any new favourtite soup ideas? I have been using a bag of coleslaw, some mushrooms, chicken and Campbells Thai broth. Not bad, and not a lot of effort.

The eats today at 4 years post-op are:

B. Rivers of decaf with Stevia

S. When I come home from swimming - scrambled eggs with 2 slices of bacon

L. PC Hardwood Smoked Frenched Chicken Drumsticks x 2 with sliced cucumbers, some blue cheese dip and a very small microgreens salad with WF Honey/Dijon dressing

D. A few slices of avocado with smoked salmon on top, then top that with a poached egg, and some Hollandaise.

Have a great day everyone.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 10/16/18 6:03 am - Canada

CC, I will answer your QOTD ;)

I do not like soup. Isn't that weird? Lol. Rarely I will eat chicken noodle soup or I will eat it if that is the only option.

Immediately post-op I made a roasted red pepper and tomato soup and I did a broccoli and cauliflower puree. I can't remember the last time I ate soup.

on 10/16/18 12:52 pm

I love you girl, but there is definitely a dark side to you - doesn't like soup. You do realize that chocolate fondue is just chocolate soup.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 10/16/18 1:41 pm - Canada

Hmm, apparently I love soup then ;) lol

on 10/16/18 8:09 am, edited 10/16/18 1:10 am

Tis the season for soup! I like to make a broccoli soup - I put a lot of pureed onion in it to thicken it so it feels more substantial. Happy to share a recipe if you're interested.

Today has been a day and it's only 11am!

I had a meeting that I woke up for at 5am for and my last meeting will finish at 9pm - none the less I have done some meal prep and will have to navigate dinner with my healthy lenses now.

B - SKYR yogurt with blue berries

L - egg quiche (crustless) + large mixed green salad

D- I assume Sashimi/chicken skewers based on the menu of the restaurant I will be going to.

Wish me luck all! Hope you all have a great day.

*TWH* Referral - December 2017; Orientation - March 2018; SW Assessment - May 2018; Nurse Practitioner - June 2018; Nutrition Class - June 2018; Psych - August 2018; Dietitian - August 2018; Appt. w/ Surgeon - November 2018; Surgery date - January 2019

Weight loss

Pre-surgery: 14, M1: 18, M2: 9, M3: 8, M4: 10, M5:6 , M6:9

on 10/16/18 12:54 pm

I'm wishing you luck. Yes, please share the soup recipe.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 10/16/18 5:58 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Today we are going to see the pediatrician and then later to the vet. It will be my first attempt at taking the two dogs and baby at the same time. Wish me luck lol.

Post-op three years and seven months.

Breakfast - peanut butter and banana

Snack - protein bar

Lunch - leftover burger

Snack - chicken salad

Dinner - leftover sausage

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 10/16/18 12:55 pm

Hope it went well with the family packed up in the car.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 10/16/18 1:42 pm - Canada

It was a little intense getting in and out and in and out but we made it!!

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