Peterson's Hernia

on 10/5/18 10:29 am - toronto, Canada

I think it is important to share this story. For some, this may be an aha moment as you may be going through something very similar.
I had my bypass in 2012. No surgical complications, easy recovery few medical issues since - basically low iron and D that is managed. Transfer addiction which I am working on. However, I continued to have intermittent pain in my stomach and back after eating. Usually it would start as I was finishing a meal and I assumed it was just a bad food choice for the most part. But, 1.5 years out, I had this issue for almost 2 weeks and could barely eat. It started as upset stomach developing into pain in the abdomen and back which would resolve and then start again at the next meal. I went to the hospital when it got really bad but of course, it resolved while waiting to see a Dr. I followed up with my surgeon and he offered surgery but we opted for a wait and see approach.
Since then, I continued to have stomach pains after eating, but it was off and on. It presented as a stomach ache, growing into nausea and I felt like both throwing up and diarrhea at the same time with severe pain, usually for about 2 hours and then would subside. This lasted for 8 hours during one episode but I was away for the weekend with girlfriends and kept thinking it would pass so didn't go to the hospital. Stupid me...thought it was bad food choices or drinking too much wine so I just blamed myself and didn't deal with it right away.
After it continued for so long, I realized maybe it wasn't just me making bad choices and I became determined to get to the bottom of it. I was convinced it was gallbladder so had that test done prior to seeing my surgeon last week. Ultrasound was clear but he still recommended exploratory surgery asap. Yesterday, I went to humber hospital for exploratory surgery and ended up with a hernia repair. You may hear the term twisted bowel explaining some of these symptoms. I recommend that you search 'Peterson's hernia' and 'hernia after gastric bypass'. I literally only found this information yesterday and it is eye opening. I don't regret my bypass but I do think it is important to educate yourselves and advocate for your care. And if these symptoms sound familiar to you, then you may want to check in with your surgeon and get it checked out.

Referral: Aug 3, 2010       Info Session: Dec 12, 2011   
Nurse Appt: Jan 30, 2012    Diet/Nut Appt: Feb 8, 2012
Surgery Class: Jan 24, 2012
Meet Surgeon: Feb 8,2012    Start Optifast: April 24, 2012
Surgery Date: May 8, 2012
on 10/5/18 1:51 pm

Thank you for sharing this Stephanie. Petersen's hernias are one of the possible issues post-op. They are hard to diagnose with just an abdominal exam. You are very lucky and I am glad that you had a good outcome. You have a great deal to be thankful for this week.

I am dealing with a hernia now and have been told that if I get severe pain to go immediately to ER because it could mean a strangulation of bowel, organs, or intestines. Mine is not a Petersen's hernia, but a ventral.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 10/6/18 1:46 am - Canada
RNY on 07/10/12

I had my surgery in 2012 as well. Last December due to excessive heartburn I had surgery. While in there the surgeon removed a section of the limb and closed the Peterson's Defect. He told me that surgical techniques have changed since mine was originally done and the Peterson's Defect is now taken care of during RNY.


on 10/6/18 10:13 am - toronto, Canada

I was reading some literature that indicated that there was a new technique now so that is good to know. I am going to ask my surgeon about it too at my follow up. I assume that they are already up to speed since they work out of Humber. Thanks for the info.

Will keep sharing the word word for those of us who had our surgeries earlier

Referral: Aug 3, 2010       Info Session: Dec 12, 2011   
Nurse Appt: Jan 30, 2012    Diet/Nut Appt: Feb 8, 2012
Surgery Class: Jan 24, 2012
Meet Surgeon: Feb 8,2012    Start Optifast: April 24, 2012
Surgery Date: May 8, 2012
on 10/8/18 4:15 am - Elliot Lake, Canada

I am 6 days post op from petersens hernia repair myself. I am just under 3.5 years post op and and exactly 2 years ago i had petersens hernia repaired. I just under went a 2nd exploratory surgery and petersens hernia was re opened and very large. Just be careful if you symptoms return mine did and i ignored them and as a result i suffered over a year before going back and getting exploratory surgery. I was discharged to early from toronto and came home and ended up back in my local hospital just got home yesturday. They called it post op ileus i couldnt pass any of the surgical gas and my bowels werent working. Hoping im finally on the mend now that im back at home.

Referral Feb 14 2014; Orientation July 30 2014; 1 on 1's Feb 17, 2015; Pre op May 27 2015; Surgery date June 16, 2015


on 10/8/18 6:50 am - toronto, Canada

Thanks for sharing!! I definitely hope you are on the mend and frankly am surprised that this is a day surgery. Imho, a 24 hr stay would have been a better idea. Glad that things are now moving for you and hope your recovery is smooth. I am on day 4 now and finally got a good nights sleep last night so fingers crossed. It is also good to be aware that this can happen again and continue to be vigilant. Happy thanksgiving ?

Referral: Aug 3, 2010       Info Session: Dec 12, 2011   
Nurse Appt: Jan 30, 2012    Diet/Nut Appt: Feb 8, 2012
Surgery Class: Jan 24, 2012
Meet Surgeon: Feb 8,2012    Start Optifast: April 24, 2012
Surgery Date: May 8, 2012
on 10/8/18 1:04 pm - Elliot Lake, Canada

i was to be day surgery however because i still have sleep apnea they kept me over night. I went into surgery at 2:40 pm and was discharged at 10 am the next morning. I could not keep any liquids or food down and i had no pain control whatsoever. I was released even though i told them the pain meds were not working and i had lost vomitted 4 hours before they discharged. I am very disappointed in the hospital, they told me i could go home 7 hour car ride (live in northern ontario) we left at 1 pm and got home at 9:45 pm, stopped lots and walked but my pain was un controlled and probably should have went straight to the local emergency room but tried sleeping at home. By morning i knew i had no choice went to local emergency room and immediately admitted severally dehydrated and hooked up to hydromorphine instantly for pain relief. I am slowly feeling better but having issues eating right now, i have lost just under 14 pounds since last monday when i left for Toronto. Thank giving dinner did not happen at my place just have no energy and been laying in bed / couch since released from local hospital yesturday afternoon. Hope you are on the mend soon too

Referral Feb 14 2014; Orientation July 30 2014; 1 on 1's Feb 17, 2015; Pre op May 27 2015; Surgery date June 16, 2015


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