on 9/24/18 12:15 pm - New Westminster, BC, Canada

Well I finally had an appt. with my endocrinologist about 1-2 weeks ago and brought up bariatric surgery and it's a GO! They will refer me into the program in BC.

So glad, but now so scared.

Reading posts here and a great group on FB (hope it's OK to share this - I found it very useful - so reading about peoples success and challenges pre and post-op so I'm better prepared.

My family (wife & son) know, but not telling a lot of other people. My son said "I'm glad it's like a year or two away so I can lose weight, otherwise you'll be smaller than me!" - LOL.

So trying to get information on waiting times, and found this: edure=83&procName=Bariatric+Surgery&adult=Y

So am I missing something? Doctors told me 1-2 year wait and depending on co-morbidities they can sometimes get people in quicker...

on 9/25/18 4:03 am

My wait time was 18 months. At the time it was frustrating. Now I think that it was important to get my head in the game and research here. When it came time for surgery, I knew what pitfalls to expect, how to avoid some, and it gave me a sense of calm.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 9/25/18 10:27 am - New Westminster, BC, Canada

Looking at it, I think the wait time is important as well - give you (and them) time to assess and ensure you're doing it for all the right reasons.

I know I'm ready for it, as I'm tired of being "that (fat) guy" all the time and can visualize myself at my ideal weight (around 160-180lbs -- been visualizing that for 15+ years LOL).


on 4/1/19 10:19 pm

I'm reading your old thread - did you get your surgery yet? I went to Richmond and was 3 1/2 years from referral to orientation, then 4 months after orientation to surgery. I had my sleeve done March 29, 2019

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